I'm a BIG GIRl now! 2.0

Oathwood 241

Where we are now

This deck started of as a monster-rig Chaos Theory at the release of garrote. With alot of playtesting and change of playstyle, the monster ice breakers stayed, but where I once had alot of tutoring, I know focus more on account denial.

Getting richer than Bill Gates

Magnum Opus and Katie Jones is more than enough to get your economy insanely out of hand. That with the Account Siphons of course. Vamp is the cremé de la cremé of the account denial, and will keep the corp poor.

You can't keep me out forever

But the core of this deck is to make huge r&d runs. With early account denial, tje corp will feel the need to ice up HQ, while leaving r&d more fragile. That's when you RDI + maker's eye for a solid dig, then harass hq and remotes for a couple of turns.

I went and broke your fortress

With Garrote, Torch, and Battering Ram, getting in will be a piece of cake. Remember, you want to make big, multi-access, runs. So 6cr MOpus and 3cr on kati is totally viable, and will leave you with 9cr and 3 clicks next turn (if katie wasnt stacked from before).

Don't get a heart attack

This deck plays extremely aggressive early game, run early, and run alot. The test run/scavenge combo will help you get a full breaker suite out faster, and really cheap. Then build up your multi-access machine for the win. Just don't be too reckless, or you might end up flat lined.

Have fun!