Los Summer 2018 First Draft

FlakManiak 55

So many cards I wanted to fit in but haven't; there's Bank Job, some backup breakers for the Skorpios matchup, Tapwrm, Maxwell James... Faerie, the turtle, maybe some Spear Phishing if I had even more slots... Hell, even a third Sec Testing. I'm sure there are yet other cards I'm forgetting.

7 Jul 2018 mrmoody

Having lost a few gnarly Gabe games now against your & Seb's Skorp, I'd say you definitely want backup breakers--try a couple turtles? Also I wonder whether you might find more success with a generic aggro-crim list out of Tenma, Gabe or Leela--for Los to get comparable value you likely need to pack some derez effects--maxwell, em shutdown, rubicon, yaddayadda. Looking forward to seeing it played next week though! Go team bluuuuuue