Young Gabriel (Core only)

rattkin 327

Most effective suite of breakers chosen, taking Corroders from Anarch one just one Gordian Blade from Shapers. Since Code Gates are not that important in Core set (only Enigma and Tollbooth actually ETR), losing Gordian isn't the end of the world. There are 3xSpecial Order to bring it (or other breakers) to the table, when necessary. The assumption is that Sneakdoor Beta will get to the table first as the only program, to exploit archives a little, and then will get thrashed, either by Runner or some ICE. Parasite acts as additional surprise as an attack vector and to further counter Enigma (Code Gate) and small Weyland ICE (Ice Wall, Shadow, etc.).

This deck runs a lot of money just from neutral/Criminal cards/actions, but in case of endgame, one Magnum Opus added for a table situation of 1 MO + 3 types of breakers summing up to 5 MU (1 from Desperado). In the late game, you will most probably get MO already, or it should be near your next draw.

Created for a local core-set only Swiss tournament. The meta assumption was that there will be a lot of tagging (mostly from Weyland), thus Crash Space and Decoy were added for protection. Proven to be very stable and effective if played with the right tempo. You don't necessarily have to do the typical Criminal rush, as there are less FA options for corps in Core. Depending on the draw, it can put a heavy pressure on the corp and can effectively deal with ICE later on. I've finished 1st with Young Gabriel, without losing any Runner game.