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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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What Lies Ahead |
Humanity's Shadow |
Future Proof |
Creation and Control |
Honor and Profit |
First Contact |
All That Remains |
The Source |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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The ol' one two | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Double Durga Deck | 1 | 0 | 3 |
It's not that hard. - 1st Place Winter Champion GNK | 3 | 2 | 3 |
The Old One-Two | 1 | 0 | 0 |
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Another iteration of Leelah. Get a Logos into play, make piles of money, grab your breakers, and strike when the time is right.
I wrote a huge article about this deck and how to play it here:
5 Feb 2015
5 Feb 2015
Thank you! O&C hasn't changed anything yet in terms of cards I'd add, but I also haven't had a chance to play it against any of the new Weyland archetypes. So that might change some things, we'll see. So far, I really like the Opus'. It's nice to be able to click for eight, and to go tag-me when needed. It sucks to use so much influence, though. |
31 Mar 2015
How have you found running without a remote code gate breaker? That omission makes me quite nervous. |
1 Apr 2015
17 May 2015
I've been playing this deck a bit recently, I really enjoy the flexibility it gives me, and how unpredictable my pacing is for the Corp. I've been looking at early SanSan Cycle cards for potential additions. A few caught my eye - Symmetrical Visage seems like an easy 1x - great to play almost anytime, but as 1x it will never be a duplicate dead draw. Career Fair is tempting, but I think maybe there is not enough targets? Perhaps with a bigger shake-up of the econ package to include more resources (eg Daily Casts) it might be good. I'm also wondering how a single Traffic Jam might go. In lategame it could provide an additional layer of scoring difficulty for the Corp, and help Agendas pile up in HQ where this deck loves to see them. With 3x SoT it's pretty easy to keep it in play if it's clear that the Corp is suffering from it. Plus of course it's a non-inf current to turn off Corp currents if necessary. What do you think? Would you add any of these? Have you? |
18 May 2015
Please keep me posted, in a week or two, I'll be playing more again and will be thinking about the same thing :) |
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Couple of notes and questions:
Has O&C changed any of the cards you'd run for this?
How are the Magnum Opus's treating you?
I'd love to see an update when you've played more after the OC meta establishes. Thanks for sharing, this is an awesome and fun concept