Kate McCaffrey of the Clan MacEachmharcaigh (Highlander)

Kate "Mac" McCaffrey Digital Tinker

15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to System Core 2019
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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest)
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active)
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leibniz 1

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I put this together for a highlander - eternal tournament. Went 3-1, paired with my NEH deck, There Should Be Only One.

Round 1 vs. Skorpios: win.

Round 2 vs. Sync: win - Modded Ubax on turn 1. Got Beth and Aaron out fairly early, and Career Fair/Earthrise. Modded a Femme from hand on what turned out to be an architect on R&D. Aaron is banned for a reason.

Round 3 vs. CTM: win - My opening hand is Ataman, Femme, Diesel, Career Fair, Astrolabe. I decide to keep because of the Astrolabe. Diesel into ProCo, Aaron, DayJob, Install Astrolabe for fee, Career Fair Proco, install Aarron... looks pretty good. Test Run Femme/Scavenge on R&D. Left a Lady Liberty alone, left a Sensie alone, but got lucky on a maker's eye for 5 points.

Round 4 vs. MTI: loss - I kept forgetting about MTI's ability. Many mistakes were made, lost 7-5. The deck was fine, the pilot... not so much.

Card choices:

I really wanted marathon+patron to be a thing, but it never happened. Aaron and Bloo Moose are monstrous.

Ubax and Astrolabe were good choices. I never needed Snowball.


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