NEXT Agenda Please (4-2 in Startup League)

FreeformJazz 178

This is the first competitive deck I've built! It's been doing pretty well in the League and on jnet (17-7), so I thought I'd share it with you all :D

Some Tips:

  • Mulligan for Seamless, rush out behind gearchecky ice and NEXT, get them back with Malapert and your ID, rinse and repeat
  • Skunkvoid is mostly here to give Drafter teeth defending the remote. Sometimes they will help you score the last agenda, but it's okay if they get trashed. Don't throw your entire hand away just to keep Void in the remote
  • The deck can be pretty light on ICE and money, so try to prioritize defending remotes over centrals. Jam and score agendas as you draw them so you keep up the tempo and pressure
  • DRM is great for getting Vacheron for the last 3 points or getting the scoring train going when you're all set up. Sometimes it's even correct to fetch it from archives to keep rushing out points
  • Fully Op is just here as extra draw/money, don't bother making multiple servers

Finally, a big thank you to NISEI and the Startup League organizers for letting new players like me get a taste of competitive play <3