The Big Unit: 54 Card Superheavy Kill

bracketbot 66

first, this is a 54 card deck, because the agenda density is barely different at 8/54 vs 7/49, and it lets you have more tools and be more resilient to the esa deck that looks to trash your whole R&D. the deck wants to go for either mavirus or reaper function on turn 1 into regolith/technoco/drudge. techno lets you tax the early games of runners who want to set up, and it hits almost every anarch econ card, and later on taxes them for sacrificing heap breakers to anvil and bringing them back.

you set up multiple servers protected by ice, and use anvil to tax runner cards and get installs into your other remotes. you can put agendas under anvil, and if they run it, you can use anvil to trash a 1 cost card and install spin doctor into that server and then immediately shuffle the agenda back in. but mostly, the deck tries to either kill the opponent by combining damage cards like reaper/urban renewal or reaper/punitive or even use the hafrun trick (mavirus lets you put it into the server while they are running to turn off a breaker) to fire assassin. clearinghouse is a 0 cost card that can be used to threaten kills versus runners who don't want to run your remotes, or can be paired with urban renewal to kill the runner or force them to make a bad choice.

thimblerig is fantastic at 1 inf, as you can search for it and it lets you put all the ice in the right servers, with anvil at the bottom of remotes, so they have to pay until they get to the bottom of the ice stack, at which point you trash whatever is in the server. often they'll run an anvil or border control on the last click and you get to install a reaper function in another server and blow them away on your turn. if the damage plan fails, you have a really good grind plan. anvil forces runners to trade cards with you, and you have 7 recursion spots between spin doctor, distract and drudgework. because drudgework allows you to shuffle in agendas, you can use it to shuffle in the agendas, and then use the spin doctors and distracts to shuffle drudgework back in, and then use your ID ability to find it again when you need it. between the bigger deck size and the immense amount of recursion, your opponent will run out of cards first due to anvils, damage and spending their own cards.

the deck is pretty nasty, and i'm winning a lot with it in the standard jinteki lobbies (70%), mostly through damage, but sometimes through grinding or the opponent giving up.