Deep Space 9% Tax revised v9

darwindeez 27

Based on xjohncandyx's deck. Try to tax the runner down to 0 and then score with Ash behind a porous tracer.

The GRNDL Refineries enable you to tax later in the game via the small scoring remote (it will be puny). If it works, it can open a scoring window or put you back in the black economically. You can also just install them unadvanced out in the open and then click-click-trash them next turn for a melange effect. Serves the same win-win function as Reversed without costing you precious influence.

Having 1x Closed Accounts is our way of backing up our 5 tagging ICE, which will mostly just be tax anyway, since they won't want to keep tags vs Weyland. But if they figure out we aren't Scorching, Closed is there to punish any tag floaters, and it can open a scoring window in that case if you're set up with an Ash.

Draco is multi-purpose and my favorite little guy. He's good for a cheap tax on centrals vs 0 link runners, major Siphon defense should you need it, and it can even be used to score in a remote if you have a large enough credit advantage to both boost the trace and the strength enough to keep them out (Ash helps).

Dies pretty hard to aggressive R&D multi-access (go figure), but if we make R&D taxing enough, hopefully their Maker's Eye or Indexing gives us a scoring window that we can utilize on the following turn.

6 Feb 2015 xjohncandyx

Interesting changes. I think my original leaned too far towards tax/glacier and really needs more assets like your iteration. Ash is also a must have that makes the economic pressure work.