Not gambling, surprise mechanics! (2-1 at Intercontinentals)

Cpt_nice 1933

"AAA games these days"

After Euros, I took a pretty long look at my corp and decided it wouldn't quite be up to snuff for the Intercontinentals. So, having played a lot of glacier Azmari a while ago and seeing Gamenet's performance, I decided to switch to it.

This deck is an amalgamation of several of the top cut Gamenet decks at the continentals, with a few of my own touches. I was expecting a ton of Apoc and didn't only want to play Crisium, so I figured Prisec could put in some work. 419 was also underpresented at the event (read, not present), so there were fewer Citadels in play.

Warroid Tracker was sort of a try out (perfect tournament for that), being a counter to Stargate, Hippo and just a way to protect upgrades. And since it fires during the run, it activates Gamenet. It didn't fire once but it did deter some plays.

Gamenet is kinda brainless to play, but I do enjoy it. The deck beat Stoppableforce on Hoshiko and Pinsel on Geist, and lost to Simonmoon on Leela.