Noise "V" (GoodGames Melbourne Store Championship winner)

chanstheorem 1205

The trick to this deck? There are no tricks.


1/3 of the cards are economy. It makes life easy knowing that I will always draw into economy.


Just the absolute essentials. I am not relying on milling at all. But you can't deny that it is hugely disruptive and since corps now RELY on Jackson, it's so strong to force them to trash it early.


Crypsis and Corroder are all you need. :)

No Djinn:

Why? Too slow. No surprise factor. I have never ever been happy when I have had to spend a credit and click to use Djinn in my entire Netrunner career. I decided not to include this card that was holding me back.

No Sahasrara and no Workshop:

Bread and butter economy allows me to play far more aggressively.

No Plascrete:

Who cares? It's not the mindset I want to be playing with. Caution loses games.

Play style:

I play what I am dealt and don't have a set plan. This deck can win with any combination of cards, which is why it is so robust. There is not a single card in this deck that I MUST draw every game in order to be competitive.

There are so many different attack vectors in this deck. It's not easy to protect archives, R&D, HQ AND a remote. The way the corp is forced to protect their servers means that almost without fail, they will have an HQ loaded with agendas towards the end. Do they keep them and risk the HQ run or do they throw them back into R&D and risk the Medium dig?


My surgical virus mills get called "lucky" all the time. But is it really luck or is it playing the probabilities well?...

Okay, it's luck.

19 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

I like it, but how is test run better than SMC?

19 Mar 2014 Heartthrob

I would guess that the MU on SMC is rough if you want to play it before a run mid-game?

19 Mar 2014 Groober

Also, test run allows a double-install of a virus, milling two cards instead of one. And test run of imp is just sexy.

19 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

I suppose without djinn, yea it would be snug. The imp thing is decent, but paying 6 to mill 2 cards if you can't use imp more than 1 time is kinda meh. I'd rather just scavenge it and use it 2 times in the same turn AND get the mills.

19 Mar 2014 Kaleithel

What about dealing with Swordsman? I you have no installed Datasucker with counters and Clone Chip + Parasite in your heap, Crypsis is gone and your run is over. I am pretty sure that I would win very few games with such a deck. Maybe I'm not as lucky as you are... ;)

20 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

What about dealing with Swordsman? I you have no installed Datasucker with counters and Clone Chip + Parasite in your heap, Crypsis is gone and your run is over.

Worst case scenario - they pay 3 to deal you one point of damage and trash a 5-cost virus (that milled a card when played). The run isn't even over - Swordsman doesn't ETR and you're most probably in now. That is literally the only thing that will happen - Swordsman is now rezzed and will get its katana-wielding ass parasited like there's no tomorrow.

(Also, the "Clone Chip on the table and Parasite in the heap" part of this condition will almost certainly happen before the Corp has had a chance to setup a punishing scenario involving Swordsman)

Swordsman is only ever really scary when he's Chummed ;)

20 Mar 2014 chanstheorem

Test Run pros: + Test run can search both the stack and the heap. + Test run uses less memory. + Test running a Crypsis is an option for pseudo-inside jobbing a remote (with a bonus virus mill). This is in comparison to SMC which would cost 7 credits to install Crypsis.

Re: Swordsman - what PeekaySK said, and also, I am not afraid of any of my programs being trashed because I can recur them, and also because a lot of time I don't need them.

I think you're talking about a very narrow situation where:

a) The corp is using Swordsman (a terrible piece of ice) at all. b) Swordsman is installed in front of ETR ice. c) I don't have Clone Chip, Parasite and Datasucker counters d) I actually need to get into that one server in order to win.

However! To be honest, I have never run into a Swordsman in my entire time playing, so maybe my opinion is worthless...

20 Mar 2014 chanstheorem

Listen, I think a case can be made for SMC over Test Run but I'm not a Shaper-minded player. I'm all about the quick fixes.

20 Mar 2014 Kaleithel

I figured that your meta isn't using Swordsman. By the way, even without it, I feel that Crypsis alone is a credit and click swallower. I have always thought it to be too expensive, even if it breaks everything. You can recur it 7 times, but every time you have to pay a lot for installing and using it. My 2 cents...

20 Mar 2014 chanstheorem

I think it is down to how you play. With this deck I tend to spend an entire turn loading up credits/counters. That is so threatening to the corp because you can run anywhere next turn. It often leads to hesitancy with their play as well. I use Crypsis on average, maybe on 4 or 5 runs per game only. The trick is making those runs count.

Re: Swordsman - people were using it but nobody was actually installing it because everyone stopped using Atman. It then becomes pretty below average for its credit and influence cost.

22 Mar 2014 Tazocin

Really enjoyed playing this deck, thanks for sharing it. I find early imps can clear out sansans etc without slowing me, get setup with all the econ and then you can choose your runs with care. A chipped crypsis seems to surprise ppl and its free virus means often 2 accesses for medium funs if Grimoire is out. Test running imp into dirty laundry is very satisfying early if you get into hq or rnd. Thanks again.

22 Mar 2014 Ber

Thanks for sharing this deck, I really dig the 'no tricks' style!

One thought I have though, have you tried a single Nerve Agent? Late game it could be a finisher on that full HQ. You could discard it early if it was a bad time for it, then late game with Grimoire out, Clone Chip it in during a HQ run to see 2 cards, then run again for 3 more!

22 Mar 2014 chanstheorem

No problem, guys.

I actually had Nerve Agent in as a 46th card for a few games because I thought of exactly the same thing. I found that I was not really using it much, that it took too long to set up and that I never really needed to see multiples in HQ most of the time because they would literally have 3 or 4 agendas in hand towards the end. I wouldn't mind playing with one, though, but it would definitely have to be a 46th card, as replacing another card would throw off my ratios too much.

24 Mar 2014 Alsciende

Cards up to Creation and Control

Spin hasn't been so good for Anarch, has it?

25 Mar 2014 chanstheorem

I think just runners in general haven't had much. Caissa, I guess.

Reina was supposed to be the best Anarch according to analysts and Noise seems to be having more success. :)

1 Apr 2014 chiefyk

I like this deck. It looks very similar to something I've played before, an aggressive Noise with only the essential Viruses.

I might have to steal this from you, making my own changes here and there :)

3 Apr 2014 GreatGreedyGuts

How are you getting value off Medium with those breakers? Ain't doubting it happens, just seems like Medium does well with many repeat hits, and Crypsis struggles at that if they Ice up much.

4 Apr 2014 chanstheorem

There are two scenarios with Medium:

  1. Early game - Installed purely as a threat on R&D, to force the corp to protect it with multiple ice.

  2. End game - 1 or 2x Medium and a few runs to score the last 4 points or so from R&D. This is how about half of my games end. The other half usually runs on HQ.

4 Apr 2014 chanstheorem

The key for scenario two is not to threaten R&D at all for most of the game, then build up many credits and suddenly install Medium and run for the win within 8 clicks.

4 Apr 2014 GreatGreedyGuts

Makes sense, yeah. I was assuming they'd slap a couple of Ice on there anyways which might eat through Crypsis' viruses before you have the chance to build up much with Medium, but if you built them up in advance for a SURPRISE, MEDIUM turn or two then I can see how it'd work out so much better. Thanks for the reply, this is a great-looking deck!

5 Apr 2014 chanstheorem

No problem. Just played at Chronos Protocol today. Two games had turn one Medium against Making News. 11 counters on Medium for the win and 7 counters on Medium for the win. :) Never even had to install a breaker.