PrePaid Rein-a-Destruction

PaxCecilia 293

Kind of liking how this Reina deck worked out in the test games. It's surprisingly effective to have a -2 cost Lucky Find, and Retrieval Runs (for very cheap I might add) allow for recurring lost breakers and parasites. Not sure about Dirty Laundry, might add more mediums and nerves instead. I need to playtest more to see if the economy is too much/too little.

The draw power could definitely use some fine tuning, and I need a cheaper Killer, big time.

23 Jan 2015 kerrk

you have datasuckers so why not run mimic? or if you want to splash in fairies for those runs you need to score an agenda behind a senty

23 Jan 2015 PaxCecilia

Very old deck! I wasn't as good at the game or deck building.