MirrorMorp Fast Advance

Jimbawa 46

Feel free to improve upon. Main line of play is icing central and make a fake advance remote. Biotic Labor will allow to fast advance the 3/2s, but there are plenty of fast advance options which can also allow for 5/3 fast advance.

So outside of Biotic Labor, the deck runs 3x Bass CH1R180G4 because it basically acts as a Biotic Labor with this identity. To advance even faster, this can easily be combo with Red Level Clearance.

Click 1 : Red Level Clearance : gain click + install Bass CH1R180G4

Click 2 : Install 5/3, res Bass CH1R180G4

Click 3 : Advance, trigger identity, gain click to activate Bass CH1R180G4 as 4th different action.

Click 4 : you now have 3 clicks and 1 advancement on your agenda, Biotic Labor

Click 5-6-7-8 : Advance

Score, GG, because 8 clicks(technically 9) sounds fair xD

I hope this gets tested a bit by more competent player than I.

31 Aug 2022 ArminFirecracker

Its a 4 card combo for 13 Credits. I think Big Deal would be easier.

31 Aug 2022 Jimbawa

Sure thing, I thought about adding a single Big Deal in but the deck doesn't really have the economy to support it. Swapping around the other fast advance tools to get the economy to sustain Big Deal would reduce the consistency of scoring 3/2s. So it felt like Big Deal was too likely to end up being a dead card, either because of lack of credits or not having the right agenda to use it on.

Bass and Red Lvl Clearance can be used for fixing your econ, card draw, multiple Ice/asset install, faking an agenda, on top of the fast advance. There's also plenty of recursion with Archived Memories, Restore, Spin Doctor and Vitruvius so that you can afford to burn a Bass for a tempo play or just install it in a remote to force a run.

But i agree, Big Deal is probably easier, maybe not as fun, and not sure if more efficient, but definitely easier xD