The Valley of Evil v2.0.2

ODie 730

Historical posting: revised version of "Valley of Evil v2.0" - still in the CnC era, before Spin cycle.

Dropped the Chum, and Cell Portal, in favour of better Ice for the lock concept. Archer went out when the number of 3/1 Agenda dropped and only False Lead remained (keeping them for the lock function rather than rezzing Archer). Snowflake comes in to fill the rez-cost slot that Chum fell out of. Akitaro and Chimera are just funny together if the Runner is trying to drain your credits by running it.

Hourglass is strong over HQ or Archives when it matters that the Runner loses the rest of the turn, save it for a face-check surprise if possible, for when the Runner makes a milk run to load Datasucker tokens, plays Dirty Laundry, etc. Viper can eat up valuable clicks, and is otherwise costly to break; it is also not click breakable like Eli 1.0 which was in the deck before. Cell Portal did not perform, despite the attraction of having it at the bottom of the Ruhr Valley server, and looping the Runner to drain credits (if they have to jack out that saves you a Nisei Mk II agenda counter).

Agenda was re-considered in light of my thinking in this article, trying to minimise the investment of actions required to win by slow advancing Agenda, which is the main path to victory here. The third False Lead was a tough inclusion, but its ability to enable the Ruhr Valley lock after the Runner makes a central run on their first click is very important to have available.