No Money No Problem

FishbaitHarry 12

The premise of this deck was to not use cards that generate credits, the original version had none of these assets and so was pure, but later I chickened out and I added the Melange just in case.

The idea is to abuse your very cheap ice and recurring trace credits to score something fast (not wasting your clicks on money) and then wait for a good Psychographics win, or attempt to start by scoring Restructured Datapool and use it (with your corp ability) to be very annoying and slow down the runner.

High amount of upgrades work very good with cheap ice to bluff your opponent and the lack of economy cards make your draws very consistent (no more hands with 2 agendas and 3 money making operations).

Do note that the deck is still a work in progress but I managed to score plenty wins with it. Do not attempt to play it if you cringe at the thought of paying 3 clicks to get 3 credits.
1 Dec 2013 InfinityCoffee

I think low-econ corps are an interesting concept, so I'd love to draw a bit on your experience: 1) how well does your cheap Ice work at keeping the Runner out? With Minelayer included, I assume part of your plan is to stack it vertically and hope that quantity>quality. 2) How do you fund an expensive upgrade such as SanSan? 3) Do you use Haas as a credit "bank" or as a lure? 4) Do traces work well when you rarely have the money to boost them?

11 Dec 2013 FishbaitHarry

Thanks for asking: 1.Cheap ice works really well, even when it doesn't end the run it drains the runner from a lot of resources and when he finally reaches the server it's usually the Ash/RedHerrings that stops him from stealing agenda, not ice. 1,5. Usually in mid-game I find myself with a lot of ice in hand and not really enough money to lay it down, so I decided to test Minelayer, but unfortunately right now it failed my tests (it's too inconsistent, especially when it comes late) so my second version of deck doesn't include it. 2.Most of times I didn't even rez SanSan, but I use it to either bluff or scare the opponent and often my opponent would trash it unrezzed. In some very long games, when I managed to get a lot of money and don't know what to do with it I managed to use SanSan to make a turn: rez SanSan, (1) advance Breaking News, score Breaking News, (2) install another agenda, instant score it with (3) Psychographics plus SanSan plus sometimes Autoscript. 3.As a lure - opponent thinks I'm advancing agenda while actually I'm just paying one click for one credit. It's just to force the opponent to run through my tracing ice one more time (especially good with Matrix Analyzers). 4.I never boost traces with money (unless it's a critical TMI), only rely on my Corp card.