Austin Draft Runner

Liza Talking Thunder Prominent Legislator

77 influence spent (max 15, available -62)
40 cards (min 50)
Cards up to Reign and Reverie
Too many copies of a limited card
Agenda ()
Asset ()
Event (19)
1x Apocalypse ●●●
1x Cold Read
1x Deep Data Mining ●●●●
1x Déjà Vu ●●
1x Diesel ●●
1x Encore ●●●●
1x Indexing ●●●
1x Levy AR Lab Access ●●●
1x Lucky Find ●●
2x Queen's Gambit ●●●●● ●
1x Scavenge ●●
2x Vamp ●●●●
1x Wanton Destruction ●●●●
Hardware (2)
1x Obelus ●●●
1x Zer0 ●●●
Operation ()
Resource (10)
Upgrade ()
Barrier ()
Code Gate ()
Icebreaker (6)
1x Black Orchestra ●●
1x Cerberus "Lady" H1 ●●●
1x Eater ●●●
1x Knight ●●
1x Paperclip ●●●
Multi ()
Other ()
Program (3)
1x Imp ●●●
2x Lamprey ●●●●
Sentry ()
Legality (show more)
Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest)
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active)
Pre-rotation decklist
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Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet
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DoomRat 2411

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