First timer! Weyland Counterstriker

Judge Beard 1

Built with access to the Core set, Order and Chaos, Business First, True Colours, The Source and Humanity's Shadow.

Basic gist is similar to the normal Weyland SEA Source>Scorched Earth>Scorched Earth combo. Generate Money while hindering the runner, then either Scorched combo or let them steal 6 Agenda Points into Punitive Counterstrike.

First time building outside of the prebuilt core/Order and Chaos decks.

10 Apr 2016 Cottonjaw

Orion is a fantastic card and very... VERY cool thematically, but I think you would be better served with cheaper ice here. You have a decent economy but if you're blowing whole turns on Melange just to get Orion out, I think the speed you will lose will deflate some of his awesomeness. Additionally, it's a tremendous investment that could potentially be negated by some very cheap runner tricks like Cresecentus or Muertos Gang Member. He's great for 15cr, he's garbage for 30cr (if you had to rez it a second time).

Additionally, Tollbooth is a great card, fantastic at taxing the runner and good str with ETR subroutine... buuuut if you're trying to go for the kill, consider Data Raven. As soon as most runners see Argus, they're going to KNOW that a scorch/traffic accident or in this case, Scorch Punitive is in play. The Data Raven "when encountered" fires automatically, and forces the runner to decide if they want to float a tag during a run (Keegan Lane!) or jack out. Remember that you have two win conditions, and the FEAR of scorch can sometimes be more deadly than actually scorching (allowing you to score out the old fashioned way)

Just some food for thought. Continue enjoying Netrunner and WOOOO WEYLAND!

10 Apr 2016 Cottonjaw

As far as what to replace Orion with... you already have Hostile Takeover... why not Archer? They are a match made in heaven!

10 Apr 2016 Judge Beard

@Cottonjaw Thanks for the advice! Orion was actually the last thing added, I felt I needed some bigger ICE other than Hadrians Wall. But I see your point, it is costly, however I was looking at it from the advancement side of things, its going to cost 5 credits rather than 15, yes over several turns but from playing with the Order and Chaos decklist I've found that can spur on a runners curiosity. Not ideal I suppose, I'll see what else can replace it. Archer is already in there, I only have 2 copies right now unfortunately, I have yet to purchase a second core set. Data Raven is an excellent point, I completely overlooked it. Its hard to want to drop Tollbooths though, they just seem to me to be one of the best rounded cards out there, punishing the runner regardless of the subroutine being broken or not. Combined with a big ICE tower and a scored Utopia Fragment, a single run can become waaaay more costly on the runner, allowing a nice little SEA Source Scorch to go off next corp turn.