Trashman v2.0

WayneMcPain 420

25 Mar 2015 MmmBraaains

Very interesting. I love the idea of running Donut Taganes with Noise. I'd go so far as to add another in there to consistently draw it. Maybe something like -2 bank job, +1 Chakana, +1 Donut Taganes.

I think Human first and Ice Carver are a bit odd, maybe you can talk more about those choices. But if you didnt think they were doing much I might -1 Ice Carver, -2 Human First, +1 Deja Vu, +1 Cyber Feeder, +1 Scrubbed to add more consistency with what you draw.

Nice job man! I look forward to playing against it.

25 Mar 2015 WayneMcPain

I know Bank Job is fairly situational, but I love that it can be a lot of fast money right when you need it sometimes. But I also really wanted to fit more than one Donut in here, so I might take you up on that suggestion. Plus more Chakana can't hurt in this deck.

Ice Carver is left over from when I was running Eater and Cutlery in here, and its not super essential, but I left it in because with Crypsis being as expensive as it is, and Scrubbed only working on that first ice, I thought it might be worth having in there. I could always Aesop it if it isn't being helpful. I'd definitely trade it for another Deja Vu, but I only have one core set, so two is all I have available.

As far as Human First goes, I really just wanted to experiment with it. If you get it out early enough, it can net some decent credits and perhaps be a nice way to bounce back after an agenda score (or make an already successful run even better), but it also depends on what kind of agendas the Corp is running. I can't see it being super useful in a deck where there are 1 pointers everywhere, unless you multi-access a bunch of them. Either way, it can be Aesop food too, so I'll just have to see if it works out.

Thanks for the suggestions! :)