A Pint of Stout (8th @Hadrians Wall)

Dis 422

They’re bringing out something new at the Brewery, its dark, thick, and going to give you a headache.

This is a silly deck, and should only be played if you enjoy your opponents spending 5 minutes thinking on their 1st/2nd turn.

It’s also great if you want a long time between rounds as you can win by scoring on turn 4 (…or lose to two agendas off the top of R&D on turn 3)

It’s a simple plan: show them the cerebral with celebrity gifts or Inception the idea into their heads. Then you fast track the Vanity project and Mushin No Shin it or the cerebral out (this can be done on the first turn). It’s often better to wait until you can mushin+advance once though.

We now enter the game theory zone:

  1. It’s the vanity project, they don’t run. You score it and now they have to run everything you IAA or let you win. Either score out or land 4 brain damage and kill them.

  2. It’s the vanity project, they run it. Sad face, try and get a Shi.Kyu off and now they have to score three agendas.

  3. It’s the cerebral, they don’t run. Build our caprice/batty scoring remote around the trap.

  4. It’s the cerebral, they run. They are now on 1 or 2 handsize, and can be killed off.

Sometimes it doesn’t work out to plan :). Had option 2 come up three times and losing in short order. Mostly pick the Brewery unless you think the deck will be resistant to brain damage (Bagbiter CT for example) or you have several agendas in hand at the start and need to rush.

Surprising Strengths:

With an operation economy and advancing for free with mushin/greenhouse you can be surprisingly resilient to the asset hate present in the meta right now, I had a game which started with a double siphon on turn one but I built back up and lasted more 40 minutes.

There is a long game plan of caprice+crisium grid on HQ and holding two agendas to make R&D an literal dead end for the runner. 6 agenda decks can give as well as take away.

Things I’d change:

Lockdowns are a relic from a version that leaned more on Psychic field and should totally be more ETRs.

Went 2-4 on the day but had a blast, getting to the top tables solely on the strength of my runner deck. Plus I got to make Andy really mad and who doesn’t love that?

14 Sep 2015 just_rob

I remember sitting there in our match, seeing you fast track the vanity, to mushin something and pass turn 1.

I can't really repeat what went through my head!

Did you find you ended up doing the Vanity more times than Cerebral or visa versa? I was thinking later that night that It is probably always worth running the card. If it is a cerebral I'm in a horrible position but I could have put myself in a great one. If I don't run and it is Vanity I'm in a horrible position with a horrid uphill struggle. and If I don't run and you don't touch it again I'm probably going to think it could still be an agenda for some time!! Mind game of the purest form - Show the thing I want and place something face down...................

14 Sep 2015 Dis

Well against Bagbiter I know you can not care about brain damage so I went for the vanity. Knowing that may even have panicked me into a bad play.

I think it's about 50/50, I think the cerebral is actually the better play (especially if you have something robuts protecting HQ like a crisium) but the due to having 4 vanity's in the deck vs 3 cerebrals the option to vanity is available more often.

You might be right its always correct to run the 3 advanced card, but it's not always right to run the 4 advanced one.

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