
Metalize 39

3 Daily Casts are a placeholder for 3 Earthrise Hotel

Deck name is a tribute to Spider Jerusalem. Google him and his quotes.


Don't run iced Archives ever. You want to Blackmail Archives eventually. Run iced remotes only if you want Corp to waste money rezzing ICE there.

Early game

a) Get Eater in play and sufficient eco with it.

b) Force HQ rez with Wanton Destruction, R&D rez with Dirty Laundry


c) Keep R&D open with Parasite/Spooned and perform Keyhole runs

d) Bust HQ with Amped Destruction

e) Threaten remote runs with Blackmail to force Corp into bluffing game instead of outright rushing agendas


f) Play around possible Jacksons on the table. Perform Blackmail/Shard Archive accesses to take whatever was trashed with Keyhole/Destruction/Singularity.

Card musings:

Economy is a hip-shot. Requires much actual testing to get a feeling of what is needed. Pieces in question are Kati Jones, PPVP and Dirty Laundry. Liberated Account and Daily Casts are also to be considered.

Desperado Desperado Desperado Desperado.

Your full rig is Eater, Keyhole, Datasucker, Parasite.

Blackmail and Hades Shard are "I win" buttons in the endgame.

Wanton Destruction is a tool to control Corp's game. You do not care much about knocking out agendas with it. FA tricks, Scorched Earths and ICE are good targets for it. It should be OK to Destruct even 3 cards out of 5 cards HQ, but try to aim for full HQ blowouts either with Amped or when Corp has mere 3 cards in HQ.

PPVP seems kinda in question, but the deck does run 22 events that cost credits and 3 Same Olds. Possible to cut down to 2.

Desperado is a gem in this sort of deck, no question.

You would really enjoy having Security Testing on the board as well to punish naked remotes and perform meaningful Dirty Laundry/Spooned runs. However it is just a support card, and there is no influence for a second one.

Amped Up synergizes with Wanton (unless it brains it away :p ) and Keyholerino-for-the-win turns. It is a late game trick, but one you kinda enjoy to see. Possible to be cut down to 1.

Blackmail - you may go to three if you want more control over remotes. But Corps are rather unlikely to attempt early rushing behind 1-2 ICE against Valencia because of Blackmail possibility. You should be OK drawing just one copy and using it 1-2 times during the game to run archives.

Singleton Singularity is silverbullet against bullshit servers full of Ash, SanSan and Jackson Hodor. This card is a meta call, in some places you may want 2 of those, in other places zero.

Hades Shard is Plan B in case things go south. Corp may use a trick to rez an ICE on Archives to deny you Blackmailing it and winning. Shard is your answer to this. You can also play it for 7 from hand, or even recur it with Deja Vu if desperate.

Spooned is there to deal with Lotus Field/Tollbooth. As a silverbullet, can be cut down to 1 or even zero. You may also consider running other Silverware cards in it's stead, especially Knifed to get rid of Wraparound.

Also Desperado.

Honorable mentions:

Protesters/Journalism combo. You can go this route, and I've drafted a list that does so. It looks like this one, except: -2 Amped Up (Protesters are serving as Wanton Destruction support now) -2 Kati Jones -1 Spooned -1 PPVP -3 Parasite +3 Investigative Journalism +2 Itinerant Protesters +2 Knifed +2 Forked +1 Liberated Account (Or any other non-running economy card, maybe even Kati)

With this deck you expect to have at least 2 Bad Publicity credits available per run, so you are much more likely to actually run things. Parasite got cut because its absence allows you to install second Datasucker, further discounting your Keyhole runs. Silverware suit took its place as main ICE removal tool.

Journalism version trades tempo and consistency for potentially easier lategame with Protesters and cheaper runs.

29 Nov 2014 Empty_World

Until I realize it's Spider Jerusalem,I thought this is a troll deck about how much bad publicity jews have got. Anyway very interesting,but I still doubt that give up access entirely is a good idea.When O&C come out I'll give it a try.