
OrmsbyGore 1

My first real attempt at a Weyland deck. I'm going for a meat damage strategy here, and am trying out The Cleaners rather than PriReq as my only 5/3 to see how that works out for me, since I don't really have any overly expensive ICE. The main target for PriReq would be Archer probably, but I don't mind getting rid of a Hostile Takeover or an extra Gila Hands to do that. I'm not really sure if my agenda mix is set up to support Punitive, but this is kind of a first draft so time will tell on that.

Dedicated Response Team seems nuts with Argus Security's ability, as it basically gives the runner the choice between 2 meat damage, or 2 meat AND a tag. If I can get a Private Security Force scored and tag the runner, I can probably just run them mostly out of the game at that point as well.

Grim and Archer are in here to help with troublesome programs, and Data Raven helps with the general need to tag the runner, and also keeps them out of servers in general. If they want to risk running through, that's what Universal Connectivity Fee is in here for. I'm not sure about this one as well, as I don't know how good UCF will be without sitting behind a Raven.

Running Crisium Grid to deal with the crazy popularity of Eater + anything right now, as well as Account Syphon defense.

Not really sure about the econ at this point. Basically relying on Hedge Fund and Hostile Takeover, plus an Errand Boy on R&D/HQ probably to make me some money. I'd like to have something else in here as well but I'm not sure what, or how to fit it.