Renovation of Nations

DrMarodi 320

Here is my version of BoN. As I first saw this ID I knew that the biggest effect it has is to scare the runner from running in the early game. Which gives this corp (even) more time to build up those ICE-s with tokens. Defending the servers is very cheap because the constellation ICE-s. Subliminal Messaging is just a nice little boon. The first iteration I made used two Caprice Nisei-s and Ash and worked out fine... until Rumor Mill came. So I've decided to use non-uniqe evilness like prisec and make some threats to kill the runner. The reason is that this deck will sit on a lot of money in the late game. All the agendas are public (exect for HT) so you can smurk in the runners face to goat them into a costly run. This is not a Tier1 deck but is gives you some confidence as the corp player watching the runner deciding when to run.

The only silver bullett is Muresh Bodysuit but who uses that one nowadays, right :)