Rough Draft

daytodave 1224

This is one thought on what to do with Code Siphon. I want to exploit the fact that Kit can get into R&D on turn 1 better than anyone by siphoning for Magnum Opus or Fem Fatale early.


  • Enough burst economy to support Magnum Opus without taking a tempo hit.

  • If R&D is open I'm very hard to slow down.

  • R&D is usually open. Tinkering + Test Run (+ Gordian) = Automagic Code Siphon, wherever, whenever.

  • Float tags like a champ

  • Runs are often free. Lockpick does WORK for Kit. Running Kit? 3x Lockpick.


  • No HQ pressure - I had Escher but just wasn't feeling it. Could maybe cut Lucky Find for Legwork, but would need to consider the effect on my dolla dolla bills.

  • Very little recursion - If a program gets trashed Test Run is my only option, and I'll often use that to find them in the first place. Maybe cut Indexing for Clone Chip or Sacrificial?

I also had Garrote over Ninja + Mimic but found it a bit clunky. I was running Cybersolutions instead of Astro + Akamatsu, and the mandatory mem chip before I could get a sentry breaker was just too much.

31 Dec 2014 krystman


31 Dec 2014 daytodave

There's a revision that does:

It's obvious that I needed to be able to hit all servers early, and that means Siphoning for Torch quick.