Can someone say single-turn Takeover? v. 1.1

skyrunner36 96

So, you wanna take over the world in a day. A bit ambitious, are we? Lucky for you, I've got just the ticket.

Taking over the Government is a fairly straightforward process. There are a few pesky runners who want to get a look at our master plan, so we've got a few methods to benefit from that. We can keep show them what they'd expect, what with the Ice and Fire Walls, so we can stop them early on. Hell, we could even waste their time with some cheap off-the-shelf code (Enigma), and the more time they lose, the more time we gain. Here at Titan, we're not a big fan of them constantly getting into our servers, so in addition to our stacked barriers, we also have the infamous Archer defense, as well as a freshly imported Rototurret from Haas Bioroid, as well as a Caduceus to make some money on the side. And, if all else fails, we can get a coin or two from a Paywall Implementation.

Speaking of which. You want to be in control, so asset economy is kept to a minimum. We can’t have pesky runners tampering too much with our source of income, can we? We have a few hedge funds at our disposal, and a couple of restructures planned in the near-future, so money shouldn’t be too hard to come by. While we’re waiting for said projects to come in, we can use our connections with Melange Mining Corporation to generate a small fortune.

You may also be wondering how we could possibly take over the government in a single day. Remember the pesky runners I was talking about before? They LOVE data. They try to steal our prized projects, and ultimately slow down the progress of mankind. Well, you know what they say. You gotta lose battles to win the war. So, give them what there looking for. Start developing an agenda in a fresh server, and let them take it. Oh no! Invaluable data about our Project Atlas leaked onto the net! Whatever shall we do? Midseasons. Give them more tags than they know what to do with. At this point, make sure you have the Government Takeover ready. Spend some time to Fast Track it, if you have to. From here, its straightforward. Have money, open GT in a new server, use Psychographics to fast-track results, and get money.

If, of course they get cheeky, you could buy yourself some time by burning their house to the ground. It probably won’t kill them, but we don’t want to kill them anyway. A good scare is all we need. They’ll probably spend the next day or so struggling to find the last Plastcrete carapace on the market. If the runner in question is already wearing one, don’t bother.

Another issue you may find yourself in is having R&D develop GT to early. So, we took it upon ourselves to adopt another one of HB’s practices, Rework! Just send GT back into development until you’re ready. If you are ready, and GT has yet to rear its head, the drones who work in R&D don’t mind if you Fast-Track it, even if you sent back into R&D beforehand.

This is only a beginner’s plan, and considering you’re the one in charge, you’re more than welcome to change it. If you know people who can get you the data, replacing both copies of Caduceus with a few Errand Boys would work well for you; I just don’t have the data handy.

So, you wanna take over the world in a day. This is how you’re going to do it. Any questions?