Crime and Punishment

Saan 3111

If you like both scoring and murder, this is your stop.

Despite all the goodies, this is primarily a rush deck. As with a lot of Argus rush decks, you'll still win a lot of games through murder, and that's where the goodies come in.

Hard Hitting Security

There's lots and lots of fun to be had through Hard Hitting News, even despite the fact that you can't kill the runner on the same turn that you play it. What you can do, though, is set the runner in a spot where they can't keep the tags away on your turn.

If you set up a Zealous Judge in a server and then end your turn with HHN, they're most likely not going to be able to clear all 4 tags and go kill the judge, so if they start clearing them, after their third click go ahead and rez Judge. Look at the pain in their eyes as you do so.

False Lead is the other obvious combo card with HHN. Give them 4 tags, they give them only 2 clicks to deal with them. This also goes great with Zealous Judge even if you don't have an HHN! If they hit an agenda click 1 and take the agenda tag (or if they just hit a Snare!), rez the Judge and forfeit False Lead. Now they have 1 click left to clear a tag and kill judge. Hope you have Deuces Wild in your hand, runner buddy. Really, if you have a Judge down and a False Lead up, any click they take a tag usually means they're dead if you have Scorches in hand and the money to play them.

All these are things you can do to end the game early, and if you're playing fast enough, these situations happen frequently. The runner will have to make runs they otherwise don't want to. Not bad runs, per say, just more risky ones. That's where Argus lives. Sometimes bad shit just happens to runners, you know? Argus knows.

Things that aren't directly related to murder

So I talked a bunch up there about how neat killing runners is, and how to do all that. Honestly, though, this deck is just trying to rush it's ass off. The most recent change I did was remove a Restructure in favor of a Fast Track, because Restructure is a nice econ card, but being able to call forth an Oaktown or an Atlas is, most times, way better. Just get those points out and scored so the runner has to run instead of building their cash and rig.

Scoring points while making money doing so is Weyland's greatest strength. It allows you to keep doing things while also getting closer to victory and keeping your money high to threaten death. It's what Supermodernism was based on. To that end, we're playing most of the good money agendas (and also Geothermal Fracking. ZING!). Right now I'm playing 2x Oaktown and 2x Geothermal, because sometimes I want to be able to score on nearly no money (Oaktown, baby) and sometimes I want to be able to click for 14 and HHN the runner. Honestly, it might just be better to go to 3x Oaktown and 1x Geo, but I'm not sure yet. Geo is kinda shitty, but it makes money (and faster than Corporate Sales Team does, which is the other contender). Hostile Takeover belongs in any rush deck because you can just poop it out the turn you draw it, most games, and it pays you to do so. Also, it's another 1-pointer that the runner isn't super happy about stealing. Atlas is obviously a great card, since it's a 3/2 and because the ability is stellar.

ICE is just rush ICE plus Data Ravens for extra tag-y goodness. An ideal first turn is install an ICE and chuck an agenda behind it. Honestly, most times you'll get it. People are wary of running too hard on centrals because they don't want to hit multiple agendas on the same turn or the ID power starts to hurt a lot. I'll always protect R&D before HQ (unless criminal, obv), though I've heard that other players prefer it the other way. Data Ravens are usually for R&D and the remote. The other ICE is just quick, cheap, GTFO ICE.

Crime and Punishment

It's the Argus way. So go score agendas! Runners will be literally killing themselves to try and stop you. It's our moral duty to help them along their path.