Spinal Modem = Nintendo Power Glove

Yertle4 1

Essentially this is an Anarch deck that plays a little like a Shaper deck - set up very efficient Anarch icebreakers + an economy rig and then start breaking through almost anything for very cheap.

EVENTS - Express Delivery is a decent draw tool in this deck because of all the multiple copies (and only 1 influence). All the other events are economy.

HARDWARE - Obligatory Plascretes to avoid Scorched BS, and a lot of economy hardware ie. recurring credits to use on icebreakers. Personal Touch is a big deal when using only fixed strength breakers.

RESOURCE - Kati is great because of the way the deck plays (when you can't get in anymore, you spend 5-6 turns just drawing and clicking like crazy to get the cards/money you need). ProCon works into this plan well as well, and Ice Carver again is great with fixed strength breakers.

ICEBREAKERS - All the fixed strength Anarch breakers. Costly to set up, but very efficient. The deck relies entirely of drawing at least one copy of these.

PROGRAMS - All ice debuff programs. Parasite is very useful early game (especially combined with Ice Carver and Datasuckers).

The main issues are: - Big traces on runs (or traces on upgrades like Ash) causing brain damage - this is mostly a problem since once the rig is set up you will not have that much money to beat these traces. Note that Spinal Modem will ONLY give you brain damage on trace DURING A RUN, not any trace. - Big ICE that will be difficult to reduce to breakable range. - And most importantly, not drawing the cards you need when you draw (that Anarch RNG).

Originally the deck was with Reina, but the Whizzard ability serves to keep the Corp poorer early on (don't want to put down unprotected assets) as well as allowing me to be more aggressive (trashing R&D cards early). Also trashing Jacksons for nothing makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

Drawing is kind of a problem in Anarchs, but I find between Professional Contacts, Express Delivery and a little luck, I can get what I want reasonably quickly - the issue is then getting the money up over 3-4 turns (usually Katie) to do with before the corp just wins. If I get set up quickly and the Corp doesn't have any big ICE, then I usually end up running 3-4 times a turn for basically nothing.

A good opening hand will have 2-3 economy cards (Sure Gamble/Kati/ProCon/Modded) and a Datasucker/Parasite.

The deck is slightly limited as I am missing 4 datapacks from Genesis, but it has done well for me regardless. In the future I would probably look at putting in Duggars instead of Express Delivery and Professional Contacts, leaving more influence for strong economy cards and another Personal Touch.

28 Jul 2014 wswan

I would definitely try to work against the downside of Spinal Modem by finding a way to add some link in somewhere. Dyson Mem Chip instead of Q-Coherence is a good start.