Chaos Theory Big Rig Stimshop Mopus [7th place Atomic Empire

JDC_Wolfpack 113

Took this to the recent store champs and Atomic Empire with my PE deck and ended up taking 7th place of 25. I was 1-3 with my runner deck on the day against 3x Food Coats and 1x Harpsichord (Corp went 4-0 and carried me through the day). Artist Colony is there for News team and 15 minutes. I didn't use it at all during the day, but it's a tech choice that I think I'm sticking with. Dinosaurus was the MVP of the game. Mimic on a Dino made many of my Foodcoats opponents very sad. Most of the scoring remotes had 4-5 ice since DinoMimic walks over most of their sentries.

1st Round: Harpsichord I was up 6-0, decided to float tags after a big Midseasons and run more aggressively to close the game. I had a clot in the bin and a clone chip in case of Beale. My opponent Closed Accounts click 1, Installed click 2, and psycho-bealed last click for the win. It was a good game, I've learned to monitor how many tags I'm floating, never more than 12 now-a-days.

2nd Game: EtF Foodcoats Pretty tight game, was at 6-6 and my opponent had 3 cards installed in a remote with a single advancement. I made a hail mary R&D run with 2x RDI on the table. Stole an agenda on the 3rd card for the win.

3rd Game: EtF Foodcoats w/ NEXT Ice This was one of very few times I've played Next Ice. My opponent stacked a NEXT silver and Eli on both R&D and his scoring server. My Lady couldn't keep enough counters on it and my opponent ended up winning 8-6.

4th Game: EtF Foodcoats My opponent got 2 early EBTs for 1x Tollbooth, 1x Heimdall, and 2x Ichi 1.0. I dug for Dinosaurus but couldn't find it fast enough. Ended up loosing 8-4