Rashida Gets Political

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cripplingselfdoubt 334

I’ve ground out 20 games with this now and gone 14-6, though that could easily have been more like 11-9 if Runners hadn’t conceded early after misreading the board, and much lower if the assets had been more aggressively controlled. Wins were quite varied (points/flatline/lockout). Largely posting this for posterity- it’s interesting enough to warrant recording, but altogether too fragile and unreliable.

The cute idea it's based around is that Political Dealings with Rashida gives you four draw and enough creds to score anything that isn’t the first Medical. From there, Team Sponsorship and Turtlebacks are helpful additions to get an engine going. Political Dealings wants defending, typically with a Kakugo.

Preemptive Action was supposed to be Genotyping or Distract the Masses but I forgot both existed.

Psychic Field and It’s a Trap were just for ‘fun’ to terrorise 419 players as I installed then overwrote them to reinstall with Sponsorship. Dome would be better. Crick did nothing, ever.

There might be a better version of it out of IG or Palana?


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