Unstealable V1.1

Trizzy613 142

Major edits since the first draft...

To save some place, I removed the 3 PAD Campaigns in favor of 2 Caprise Niseis and an extra Hostile Infrastructure.

I also swapped -1 Lotus Field, -2 Tsurugis and -2 Elis for +1 Hive (since agendas will mostly pop up late game, +2 Himitsu Bakos (good for early game and easy to dispatch so the first ICE encountered forces the runner on a single run) +1 Swordsman (this one I'm still unsure about but with the popularity of Eater it feels like a necessary evil and +1 Susanoo No Mikoto (to combo with that Excalibur boosting combo).

The deck still plays the same as before with the corp taking it's time... On a turn with nothing to do you can always pump IT Department or advance an unrezzed Wormhole so that you are prepared for an ultra glacier...


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