Kit RD rush

x3r0h0ur 8951

Yogasaurus, femme, atman...set these to the corresponding ice strengths over R&D and shut out their ice while you dig with R&D interface.

ice getting too deep? Parasite + datasucker + clone chip over and over clearing the path on ice you can't handle with atman, yog and femme. R&D lock is SUPER hard to break vs this combo.
13 Nov 2013 Alsciende

Medium + RDI is overkill, especially when you have only 10 influence. Better add one more Yog and one more Parasite.

13 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

With test run and SMC, I usually have plenty of Yog. Having TOO MUCH R&D access is super tough to have. Medium is absolutely necessary to facilitate a win before the corp can layer ice on R&D.

13 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

I like this and I think I'll play test it a bit when I get the chance. I think dropping one each of MO, Scavenge, and PW for 3 diesel or Quality time to help protect vs deep digs hitting multiple snare. I fear it in Weyland more than Jinteki but Jinteki can add Hosakui grid and NEmp to the mix. Just a probably play way more than I, but I would love to hear the reasoning to not do this. Thanks.

13 Nov 2013 Treiclon

If problem is ice getting too deep, why don't you consider escher to rearrange the ice in a more economic way?

13 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

Escher is certainly on the table, however I've not play tested it. Essentially this build puts out femme, atman and ignores the first ice with yogasaurus, so you can already deal with at least 4 ice if you have those 4 items installed correctly.

Escher though, to me, depends on the corp running lots of code gates that I can move into a line over R&D, I feel like cards that depend on the corp's play to take advantage of, are marginal to use. 100% of the time I can use each of these cards, regardless of what the corp does (with the exception of plascrete of course).

13 Nov 2013 Treiclon

I recomended Escher not only because if the corp run a lot of code gates you can line them up, you can also line up all "same strength ice" you find. I think it was called Atman's Paradise? Atman's path of heaven? Something like that. I just saw that both yogsaurus and atman have that in common, they benefit a great deal of having an escher in hand. I'm not saying you're wrong. Having something that works 100% of the time is awesome. I just enjoy exploiting these little mistakes the corp does and their frightened face when their carefully placed pieces are suddenly all wrong.

14 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

I agree with treiclon. I think Escher is worth the space. I haven't been able to play since C&C came out so I haven't gotten to playtest Escher but I know people who have and it just seems to be worth a one of. I like this deck but dislike daily casts personally...I think this deck would benefit from modded more. Modded is an in faction easy mark that also let's you install in the same action (yes, I know you know this already. Lol) point's a free Atman, plascrete, medium, or 2 cost Yog, R&D Interface, or MO. The tempo of installing something for a greatly reduced cost over waiting for two dredd a turn starting the next turn is far better IMO. I know you have PW but I thinks it's slow and should be a two of max. I humbly suggest these modifications to make a stronger deck. -3 daily casts, +3 modded. -1 MO and -1 PW for +2 professional contacts (you lack draw IMO.) I think you would also benefit from a Levy AR lab access. I'll leave it to you to decide what to pull for that. That Larla will allow you to recycle the clone chips, makers eyes, scavenge, etc if you need. Otherwise it's a draw 5. I plan to make this deck when I can and play test it with the changes I mentioned. Regardless of what you play, best of luck. :)

14 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

I can easily see fitting escher into this deck. I'd just replace 1 scavenge for it most likely.

On the note of daily casts, the real key is the clickless econ, which you need when you're running your medium digs. Casts is super strong once you're going and need to rapidly capitalize on advantage (like maybe that created by an escher????)

On modded: trust me, cards 46, 47, and 48 are modded. I love modded, it is a huge tempo saving play, in fact its in all of my kate decks and most of my chaos theory decks. Its my absolute favorite economy card. I even consider doing same old thing to use it (mostly out of Kate though)! I just couldn't make it fit, and it got cut last. If you wanted to not worry about scavenge (breaks test run scavenge combo :( ) then sure, put in modded, but I think the non-tempo hit of testrun + scavenge on femme and yog more than match modded's help.

I feel like LARLA shouldn't have to happen, as you need to win much sooner than that. Workshops are great because its like having 3 UWC up as long as you're installing (and with this deck you sure can be). With bad pub becoming more of a thing, it plays an even bigger role (profiteering, fracking, etc). Every run can turn into free credits on PW. Also it saves you a SMC if you draw an atman early. PW is getting better every day. AND it costs 1 dollar! I absolutely can't see running less than 3.

I can definitely see pro contacts in here, if i had to cut, 3 daily casts would become 3 pro contacts.

14 Nov 2013 JohnyNFullEffect

I played this deck today as is, just to check it out. It might have been due to a few misplays by my opponent but it dominated.

I had runs on R&D digging 10 cards deep in the end. Medium was a beast, with a single R&DI and Yogasarus running strong. Fun deck and I thought the Casts were invaluable in my game.

It did lack draw in the beginning. I couldn't get Yog or any of the search cards so it started slow with a Barrier on R&D but once I searched it and installed, I was rocking multiple runs a turn that was increasing the access each time from medium. Great fun!

Let's see how it runs next time when my buddy plays all his ice on R&D...

14 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

Cool. Thanks for the reply x3. I'm dying to start playing again. I think I'm going to run my Kate deck you said was similar to dirty hands exile but I may switch out the armitage code busting for some daily casts for the click less economy. I didn't think about that aspect of the game. I'm so used to ACB and MO. I'm going to build this deck too and test it when I can but I'm dropping the 2 MO for 2 Professional Contracts. I like the no MU card draw/money combo better. :)

14 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

I just saw your comments on my version of this deck. I think John M would be a good addition but I don't see what to pull for him. I would say one MO personally.

15 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

@johnynfulleffect - you didn't break the "first ice" rule with kit did you? Only the first time you encounter an(any) ice, does it gain code gate. Even if its the exact same card, on your second run, it does not gain code gate. Just so you know.

15 Nov 2013 JohnyNFullEffect

Hmm. That is not how I expected it to work. But since he was poor and focused on remotes for most of the game, only had one ice rezzed on R&D and that was the one I was breaking. tinkering also helped out on others.

16 Nov 2013 JohnyNFullEffect

@3r0h0ur can you explain why you mean about Kit? First ice card she encounters each turn gains code hate. Not other copies of that card. An it resets each turn. What else is there?

16 Nov 2013 funkatr0n

Played with a slightly modified version of this deck, removing Test Runs in favor for +1 SM and +2 Kati Jones. Removed 2 Atmans for +2 Escher. This deck was lucky to get matched up against a Big Ice Advance Weyland, and seeing Kit the corp immediately started advancing an Ice Wall in front of R&D. Let's just say he was surpised when Escher cleared the way for a win. Definitely needed card draw though since I had to dig for 3 turns to get Escher. I'd try to make room for Prof Contacts. This rig is also critically short on MU, so that is something to think about.

16 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

Johnny, if you run r&d click one, the first ice is a barrier. Kits ability triggers, it gains code gate. You run r&d on your second click, the first ice is now just a barrier, it does not gain, nor does it keep the sub type code gate.

16 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

@funk. It's on you to get the success necessary to parasite that ice to death. All advance ice should be destroyed asap. Otherwise yes, escher is the way to go.

17 Nov 2013 JohnyNFullEffect

Got it. So it doesn't stay Code Gate till the end of the turn. Just for that run. Is there anything in the FAQ or in a ruling? I'd just like to read it and understand it better.

17 Nov 2013 Karselleristen

"The first piece of ice you encounter each turn gains code gate until the end of the run."

Says it right there in her ability. Until the end of the run.

17 Nov 2013 JohnyNFullEffect

RYFK! Haha. See it now. Thanks.

17 Nov 2013 jakechance

What would you do against Jinteki where it could be possible to hit a Snare! or Fetal or two in one dig?

18 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

TBH, I've not encountered Jinteki while playing this deck, I run this recreationally (read not often). However, I'd be more apt to run without R&D interfaces, and just use maker's eye if I felt like I had to hurry up and access. With jinteki, they're likely to win slowly rather than fast, so peeling 1 off R&D all the time is the way to do it. Their ice is usually not super diverse, or plentiful, so ice destruction and careful atman/femme use allows for cheap 1 off access to R&D, which should be enough to snag agendas. Also you can even shift your focus to the remotes to steal some points. That said, Deus ex looks pretty nice in the addition category.

24 Nov 2013 Bjorne

I tested the deck now. It is a bit slow to set up, needing Yog on Dinosaurus for 10 credits, so you probably want MO first. Then you quickly run out of memory. How do you play it? Discarding MO after a few turns of hoarding cash?

30 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

scavenge is there to move yog onto dinosaurus later, or if you have dino early you can test run out Yog. Also testrun-> scavenge finds yog and makes it perminent for 3 credits and a couple actions. Its pricey, but then you're running on most ice for free...a solid trade-off. Depending on how much other economy you get early MOpus can be tudored for. I definitely keep it, since its the primary econ card. Ultimately if you need more MU, I feel like you're winning too slow. With datasucker and parasite and yogasaurus, you should have R&D cleared out to 1-2 ice most game. Atman is there to help get past ice deeper than that. You should be pulling heavy out of R&D with this deck, and not worrying about remotes.