Corporate Control -Titanium Fist (Single Core)

GrittyWIllis 8

Single Core HB deck. For newbies like myself who only have experience with the single core. I like this deck because HB has some hard hitting ICE and a decent economy with the neutral PAD, HEDGE added to the ADONIS. I thought about throwing in some BEANSTALK for added economy, but thought it would A-be too money driven and wasn't needed B-didn't want to drop the other out of faction additions.

While you build your economy fairly easily, and have huge ICE towers, you can look for the opportunity to MEAT and NET your runner to death. With things, like SNARE - SEA SOURCE - SCORCHED EARTH - PRIVATE SECURITY AGENDA you have the opportunity to wreck the runner.

Even if you don't, they will be thinking about it when they have a TAG or 2 on them, and see your first SNARE pop up.

I like have some cheaper early game ICE options for SENTRY, BARRIER, and CODE GATE added in there for the bigger spread of ICE types and prices. Originally I had some NBN - MATRIX ANALYZERS but opted out for the SEA SOURCEs.

Plenty of money to complete agendas, pay for your SNARE, and rez those expensive ICEs.