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Realized the previous published version of this didn't have the Veritas in it, also figured I should do a write up.
Been working on Argus since July, it got hit hard with Quorum, specifically Aaron Marron. Just waiting for Terminal Directive to give the answer (Hunter Seeker), until then Voter Intimidation will have to do. Decided to post this version because of some interest it has created on Jinteki. Probably the most fun "fair" deck I've ever played.
Basic plan is to rush out while threatening to kill the Runner. Most games are won by using the 1 Biotic Labor to score a Project Atlas. If you can't do that for whatever reason, Hard Hitting News, or Consulting Visit->Hard Hitting News them, and if they have at least 6 creds, forfeit a False Lead. Follow up with a Boom! or Consulting Visit->Boom!. If they have Aaron installed, be sure to use Voter Intimidation to get rid of him. It doesn't really matter afterwards if he's installed, so long as he doesn't have counters on him.
This deck is can move amazingly fast. I have won on turn 5 before (admittedly, I had practically perfect draws) and I win before turn 10 in about 30% of my wins. Your worst matchup is good stuff Criminal, for multiple reasons, with a very good Anarch matchup. Just keep putting cards behind ICE and the Runner will either give you the points (normal reaction, since Weyland can't close out games) or won't be ready and will end up setting themselves back for multiple turns.
Mulligan for Hostile Takeover or Oaktown with a ETR. Try to score them out early. You're generally safe leaving your Centrals open during the Early, and even into the Mid game, just relying on your ID to punish them economically for stealing agendas. Just ICE HQ in case of Siphon, but feel free to let them in and don't rez unless they Siphon.
Have fun, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask, I've been working on this deck for a while, and seriously enjoy tinkering with it.
WARNING: long deck description ahead, proceed at your own risk.
Project Atlas: If you haven't heard, Atlas is really good, and with a counter, is probably the strongest agenda in the game by itself. If you can get a counter, use it to either guarantee the kill, or to Biotic out another Atlas. With 2 counters, you've probably guaranteed a win because of all the options it enables.
Oaktown Renovation: Pretty much a must in any Weyland Rush deck. Great for the turn 1 Install ICE, install Oaktown, advance. Will wait for turn 2 if I'm worried they have Account Siphon.
Hostile Takeover: Gives you money and points, what more could you want? Extremely useful if you only managed to get to 4 points before the Runner got set up.
False Lead: Mostly used so that you can actually kill the runner, because most runners always have more than 8 credits. That's the only reason it's in here. If you can figure out a different way to stick 2 tags on the runner for at least 1 turn, I'd suggest changing it to The Future is Now for the added consistency. (Also, please share with me how your doing it.)
Global Food Initiative: I have to get to 20 points to make the deck legal. GFI gets me there. Almost never scored, the only exception is at 4 points, with 1 token on GFI. I will Biotic to close out the game in that situation.
Jackson Howard: I only run 2 because of Influence. Preemptive Action is the third Jackson. You should be fine with only 2, since any agendas you see should be scored almost immediately.
Commercial Bankers Group: the deck needed more economy, and being able to leave one of these out with a Prisec protecting it is very nice early. Also a good way to get people to run if you're ready to kill them but they refuse to run.
Prisec: One of the best Weyland cards released this cycle. Use it to protect Commercial Bankers Group, or put it in your scoring remote to bait a run. If they don't run, they become a deterant until 5 points, at which point, you should just Biotic out a win anyway.
Baliff: Simple gear check that does something after they get their Fracter out. Put it anywhere since it will be a pop-up on a central server.
Enigma: Beat gear check Code Gate for Argus. Both subs are always relevant since Runners never want to end their turn tagged. Preferred ICE to score behind.
Mausolus: Taxing to break no matter what Decoder the opponent is using. Don't bother advancing it, it's not worth losing the tempo. Generally preferred over a Central Server, but is fine anywhere.
Data Raven: Best ETR ICE in the game. I wouldn't mind 2 since it's so taxing to the Runner.
Veritas: You may not want 3, but it is definitely useful since all the subs are relevant. If you're going to switch ICE around, this is the weakest.
Biotic Labor: This 1 card is the heart of the deck. Included it because I remember just how scary it was as a one of in the Keystone builds. Also punishes people for not slotting the Clot. As mentioned earlier, it lets you close out games, I've used it to kill the runner. I've even used it when the Runner gets a remote lock and a insurmountable econ lead to Fast Advance all my points with some recursion. The BS you can get with just 1 Biotic and tutoring is unreal, I highly suggest it any every Weyland deck.
Boom!: Lets you kill the runner, plain and simple.
Consulting Visit: Another part of the kill plan, let's you find your Hard-Hitting News and your Boom! before the runner does. Find Voter Intimidation to trash their Aaron Marron. You can also use it to find Stock Buy-Back in the late game if necessary. My only complaint is that it doesn't combo with Biotic Labor.
Hard-Hitting News: It's the easiest way to get the tags you need to land a Boom!. 2 may not be necessary, but I like to see it early and will use it if the Runner is careless in the early game and still be able to threaten to use it again later if the Runners not careful.
Hedgefund: Good Econ, highly recommend.
Power Shutdown: Useful to hit 0 or 1 cost programs or Hardware, although people already knew this. These are some of your flex slots.
Preemptive Action: This is your third Jackson, just under a different name.
Restructure: More econ is always good, we like econ. Shouldn't be a problem to use after turn 2 or 3.
Stock Buy-Back: Even more econ. With 12 agendas, this is the kind ofdeck Stock Buy-Back was made for. Limited to 1 because you don't want to see it until the late game.
Voter Intimidation: The decks answer to Aaron Marron. Went with this over Contract Killer so that I could tutor it. Also with all the Bad Publicity and Gear Check ICE, it probably wouldn't even last on the board long enough for you to use it. VI at least let's have a chance, all you have to do is win a Psi game. Also useful against Beth and occasionally The Source. Will be replacing it with Hunter Seeker when it gets released.
Currently the flex slots are Power Shutdown, 1 Hard-Hitting News, Commercial Bankers Group and Veritas. If you decide to switch things around, I'd suggest keeping the slots doing the same thing. Cards to think about are Scorched Earth, Ice Wall, Archer, and The Future is Now, depending on your meta and play style. If you don't feel comfortable bluffing that the ICE you installed the Oaktown behind ends the Run, you should probably put more in.