Gagarin Tax Firm Billings January Tourney 1.1

Alteris 87

Copied from previous person and their idea, modified to make it tourney legal. will let everyone know how it works. updated to see how mumba temple helps out, more money = more speed

30 Jan 2016 Saan

Hi! Glad you like my deck! It's cool to see someone else running a version of it.

As a tip, I probably wouldn't remove the Ash; it's by far the best card in the deck, since it allows you to score your last couple agendas. Instead, try removing the Pop-ups and an NAPD. I personally put in an Oaktown (making money while scoring is good) in place of the NAPD, and a Caduceus and another Ice Wall in place of the Pop-ups. I also added in Mumba Temple, and it's fantastic, so you'll like that. I threw it in over the Expo Grids, since they're situational econ, and Temple almost always has things to rez.

Either way, good luck with it!

4 Feb 2016 Alteris

thanks! I updated it with a store record. I don't asctually own any ASH's right now, Or I would include it! I'm still partially incomplete on my cards. But I might borrow from someone and throw it in. NAPD was super valuable to me tho, since it's 5 to get at. Had a runner stimhack to get to it, and only had 4 credits before access. won me that round!