Combo Kate - 2017 Desert Sky Games Store Champs - 2nd Place

jjthejetplane246 142

I was getting sick of playing against CTM and FIHP HB and didn't want to lose to CI, so I brought the deck known as Dyper to most. I'm going with Combo Kate as the name since it makes way more sense to people not familiar with the deck and doesn't sound weird. The general package I went with came from this deck by Joseki: I was going back and forth on whether to go with a Temujin or a Day Job Econ package when I decided to actually read the cards that came out in Quorum. Peace In Our Time is the extra secret sauce that this deck already full of sauce was looking for. Temujin takes 4 clicks to gain 8 credits and a good corp will make sure to turn it off next turn. Peace In Our Time let's you make 9 credits in 1 click, and the downside of giving the corp 5 doesn't matter in this deck as they're never going to rez ice and be filthy rich the whole game anyway. You can set up usually 2 turns faster than before which is a big deal especially against FA decks like HB and CTM.

For the tournament, I ended up going 2-2 during Swiss and 2-0 in the cut. In Swiss, I faced HB FA (loss due to no PIOT and fast SanSan), RP (won in 5 or 6 turns), CTM (lost due to rough Closed Accounts and forced to Keyhole with only 7 clicks...PLAY AROUND CLOSED ACCOUNTS) and Blue Sun (won due to them pulling back OAIs). In the cut, I played both corps that I had lost to in Swiss (HB and CTM) and was able to get good starts and felt in total control both games. I ended up milling them both with the Equivocation/Keyhole combo (milling a corp at 32 cards in R&D in one turn is incredible). Most of my games ended something like this:

"You have 22 cards in R&D and I have 13 clicks so I'm gonna mill you"

"Wait, what? reads Equivocation....oh"

What I've noticed with this deck (true with most combo decks) is that it's really good but you pretty much get a set percentage to win any given matchup and there aren't many skill based decisions to improve that percentage. It's one of those decks that will make the cut a lot and then just lose a game due to bad luck and that's it. Its funny, I had more fun watching others play Real Netrunner (TM) than playing this to be honest, but Keyholing opponents is fun in its own sadist way I guess. Glad it'll rotate in due time.