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MWL update of my Nationals winning PPP Noise deck.
-1 Clone Chip
-1 Aesop's Pawnshop
+1 I've Had Worse
+1 Hades Shard
5-0-1 on the day, scoring 6 points in 10 minutes for the tie.
Think of Personal Workshop as a reusable Clone Chip for 1 more influence. It's reasonable economy, fantastic for early set-up (host the things you can't afford so that you can keep drawing) and reduces vulnerability to Cyberdex as viruses are installed only when needed.
I'm still a fan of Paige Piper for reducing dead draws early. The core of Noise is so powerful that most losses will simply be the games where you can't find the pieces quickly enough, exactly where PP helps. The usual argument against her is that Faust runs through your deck. However, in all my games I've never run out of cards and not won that turn.
Video to come of finals vs Butchershop. I'm happy to discuss Noise or answer any questions about the deck if you leave a comment.
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