Money Money Money... It's so funny!

InquisiteurArax 26

Nowadays, we live in a world where Runners think they can do anything! They think they are rich as Cresus, they believe that our Ice can just be face-checked and destroyed...

If runners do not respect Corps anymore, I won't respect runners!

This deck is base on trying to get wealthy like a god a laugh at the petty 20 credits a Temujin Contract gives. It runs expensive a punishing ICE which can tax a normal runner and possibly murder the parasites one hopes to keep in hand.

The economy:

Transactions are good in BABW, they are even better when you can play them twice with Stinson and they become great when you can invest your transactions in NASX twice and get a free 4 credits per transaction you invested. The runner is kept poor thanks to Reversed Accounts but also Door To Door for if they at any moment fall around 3/4 credits and you have some savings, you can drain them of their money or force them to keep a tag and make sure they can never get out of the hole.

The defenses:

Sifr Parasite is a thing but facechecking a Chyashi or an Assassin remains highly painful. Moreover, if you manage to get your economy rolling, them face-checking plus paying a clic to install the parasite and one to run can be seen as a bigger price for them than it was for you making one rez. Middle range Ice (Mausolus and Veritas) are nice to calm down people thinking they can just run over and over any possible server. The small amount of Agendas in the deck also makes that individual runs are less likely to get your precious points.

Win conditions:

There are 3 main ways to win: Rushing: If you manage to get a Stinson up early you can try to rush possible early agendas behind a few big ices. An early Government contract or High Risk will also ensure your future financial stability.

Stalling: You can also simply try to build effective defenses longer than the runner can ensure the onslaught. Bluffing a reversed account can also enable you to open a scoring window... or to bluff a 3 pointer! If you manage to get your Ice running and keep some money, going through might prove just too hard.

Killing: You are supposed to be rich as fuck so Midseasoning can also, rather often, close down a game after a runner did find their way through one of your expensive servers. After that, just send them a Missile In The Face and smile as their hopes shatter the same way as their head does.

So far the deck is doing well on and is quite fun to play, give it a try ^^