Engineering the Upgrades 2.1

thrazznos 479

A few key changes here:

-I revamped the Ice configuration quite significantly. Rainbow is in there to fill the same taxing role as bastion, without necessarily drawing out a barrier breaker. This can be helpful if you are trying to protect centrals without throwing off your hive strategy.

-I reduced the number of hives to 2, because they were becoming deadweight lategame, and usually even if I got one really early, it wasn't safe trying to score it yet, and I would end up tossing one in the trash.

-Threw in 1 Closed Accounts to assist against recurring siphon decks.

-Threw in 2 Biotic Labors to assist with getting out an early Gila Hands, or scoring from hand if absolutely necessary.

-Dropped the number of traps to 2, as I felt the only purpose for having more was for the runner to see one off R&D or HQ, and then allow me to bluff out a mushin. Most of the time they were just flooding me.

The value of Jackson Howard cannot be overstated. He single handedly gives you the ability to dig for the exact pieces you need to make your combo successful, drawing past the agendas you don't need right now to get the mandatory upgrades. Also, once you have scored mandatory upgrades, simply having him on the table allows you to trigger an accelerated beta test from hand safely.

Archived Memories is a powerful card that I have learned to love in this deck. Its primary uses are to:

-Dig a failed or successful trap out of archives and then bluff a mushin.

-Recover Jackson Howard after the runner has trashed him if you installed him early.

-Dig out one of your combo pieces from archives because you needed to do more setup for a while.

-Recover your Adonis and reinstall it after the runner spent all their money trashing it.