
ADjinNTonic 1

$$$ and central pressure with the ability to snipe off good stuff from the remotes.

19 Jun 2014 x3r0h0ur

Ideally you want to run the minimum amount of cards most of the time, so cutting 6 cards down to your absolute most powerful 6 cards makes the deck stronger, since you see the powerful cards more often.

I think you're actually probably okay dropping fall guy, because you're not forcing through any assets (The Source, DLR, etc), and your decoys will protect kati from most things (except sansan->BN-> trash). So that's 43.

I personally hate the shit out of dyson memchip, because I can't afford 3 credits and click to install it. So IMO its the next weakest, so maybe that would be a good cut(though with opus AND kati, you could be fine there). I've not used US&W35, but it would be meta dependent for me, and I can't see fitting it. Up to you there.

HQI is okay if you can afford it, you probably can, but consider dropping it if you see it stay in your hand. With Fall guys dropped, the hostage can probably go, so that's a likely cut to 42.

Singleton Gorman drip seems out of place, might be nice to have, but Opus and Kati is plenty of econ IMO...normally I'll run JUST opus. So that's 41,

I would playtest down to 40, but the real bitch is going to be when you realize you want all 3 desperado because it is really good, especially on the turn you drop your sneakdoor for 4 credits, you can make back 3 and get accesses (or 2 and a shutdown). And certainly you'll need it for the MU.

I'd also do 2 inside job and 3 shutdown.

I love bank job, but with kati and opus, you might not need it, that could be your -3 +2 desperado. Alternatively, and I personally would do this, -3 kati keep the bank job. Opus is your forced econ and bank job the burst/punish econ. Then you could cut decoy and put 2 plascrete in and have 1 slot to play with.

What I think is good is that you have crypsis for emergency attacks, and to protect against breaker trashing shutting you out, as well as covering 2 breaker types to save MU for opus and sneakdoor. However, that MU is seriously snug with opus and sneakdoor in the deck. MU is going to be a real puzzle to solve with this deck, and I don't think 2 dyson is the way to do it, but that is a personal bias, and might work great in the NBN heavy meta....

Final result:

-3 fall guy -3 decoy -1 S&W35 -1 gorman -1 inside job -3 kati -1 hostage

+2 desperado +1 eshutdown +2 plascrete +2 faerie (for archers on remotes mostly)

That keeps paintbrush in there for you, presuming you have a plan with that :) Otherwise...RDI and maybe stimhack? Not sure.

Feel free to elaborate on any card and why you'd like to run it and I can help to evaluate it more in line with an experienced player's view.

21 Jun 2014 ADjinNTonic

@x3r0h0ur Thank you so much for this breakdown. I made some changes based on your suggestions (-3 fall guy -1 S&W35 -1 inside job -1 hostage -1 gorman +1 eshutdown) and ended up with a solid deck that scored 6 agenda points against NBN.

I don't have plascrete or faerie yet, but as soon as I get them, they'll be added in. I'm planning on removing the memchips, decoys and probably the Katis. And I definitely want more desperados. I'm going to keep tweaking it, but my last game played beautifully and I was really happy with how it went. I'm going to get a couple other cards to fill in and replace and I'll republish it. Thank you so much for helping me with this.