Silhouette lol Doubles

PaxCecilia 294

Played twice, won both games... Very weird deck, but literally swimming in cash for Running Interference and Executive Wiretaps when they're needed.

3 Jul 2014 wswan

I pulled out all of the double events today to stare at them and see if there is actually a deck in there somewhere. I couldn't find it. Does Starlight actually do anything for you? Do you use it? I mean, you've got the econ doubles but you'd obviously have to play all of the Lucky Finds before the Power Naps and is losing a click from Starlight worth it in any way? I'd splash Aesop's Pawnshop to get rid of it, I feel. Maybe 3 is too much? All I have is questions.

4 Jul 2014 PaxCecilia

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of answers, but Running Interference is pretty much the saving grace to this deck. Against a non-FA deck, you build up until you know they have an agenda out and ready to score next turn, then you do a hail mary run and pray for the best. Sometimes you hit an Edge of World and lose. Sometimes you hit a Priority Requisition and become happy.

Trust me, this is anything but a balanced, solid deck. But I think that in time (more doubles) and with refinement it could actually be alright. It's really cool when you have SCF down and have a turn like Power Nap for 9 credits, Executive Wiretap their hand and then use Planned Assault to Legwork if it's full of Agendas or just Running Interference elsewhere if not.

I only have 1 core set :( and I don't build decks that I can't play in person. I didn't think only having 1 Aesop would be worth it.

4 Jul 2014 wswan

I've only got one too, though I've managed to get a second Aesop's through drafting. And yeah, just one wouldn't be a great splash..

9 Jul 2014 M3th

Interesting deck, maybe you should consider to use Same Old Thing