Remoteless BABW Fun Facts!

WildSam 2.0 57

For years Runners force us to choose between scoring agendas and protecting centrals from their vile trickery. I say no more!*

Fun gameplan facts:
1. Biotic and RPC let us FA Basalt Spire.
2. Scoring Basalt Spire lets us return two cards from archives to hand.
3. Biotic and RPC are two cards.

Fun value facts:
1. Corporate Hospitality gains creds and cards and lets us to return a card from archives.
2. Another Corporate Hospitality is a card.
3. No, there is no RFG clause.

Fun ID facts:
1. Corporate Hospitality is a transaction.
2. We need econ which works without remotes and that's called transactions too.
3. Hospitality is also an operation, so Nuvem also works and digs even stronger, but deck already discards too much if you ask me.

Fun asset facts:
1. We need Asset to get Logjam into instant 5 counter range.
2. It's better be something must-trash or selftrashable.
3. And honorary operation: something we can drop and get value before Runner trashes it next turn.
3a. When you create your first remote on turn 10, Runner will check and trash it next turn.**
4. Drudge Work is all that and helps with our bane, the flood, unlike NGO Front.

Fun Isaac facts:
1. Our plan needs counters even if Runner doesn't run.
2. Isaac travels between well-defended centrals while amassing counters even with non-advancable ICE.
3. He also works as decent force multiplier for our big centrals.

*We can build remote and go more classic route, but then we don't have enough ICE to protect HQ well. We suffer greatly from Burner and agendas being part of the combo, so weak HQ is quite bad, leading to some very slow/unreliable boardstates.
Right now there are not many runners who can recur Clot enough to beat our also recurable Maviruses while their central pressure is higher than ever, so what's the point, really.
Scoring first agenda with remote and then switching to combo plan if necessary is also an decent option against slower Runner.

**If only there was a way to fit wincon there...

27 Mar 2024 WildSam 2.0

I think it could use more Pivots as we live and die by this singleton Biotic.
What to cut...

28 Mar 2024 WildSam 2.0

Right now it's +2 Pivot (great for Punitive back up or actually finding combo pieces) +1 Armed Asset Protection -1 Dredge Works (Logjam into 5 counters is quite situational) -1 Extract -1 Governement Subsidy

28 Mar 2024 WildSam 2.0

I fiddled with econ a little:
+2 Pivot (great for Punitive back up or actually finding combo pieces)
+1 Armed Asset Protection
-1 Dredge Works (Logjam into 5 counters is quite situational)
-1 Extract
-1 Governement Subsidy