[Startup] Scrap Dealer

MultiSquid 1

I haven't seen any McCaffrey startup decks I liked so far, so I took a shot at it and this is the result. Az is definitely not the top runner in Startup, and the card pool doesn't seem to lend many meaningful options. Nevertheless, if you want a deck with fun synergy and don't like being too reliant on programs, it's quite enjoyable to play.

Mulligan any starting hand that doesn't contain your console - the click compression and draw power is absolutely crucial. Your identity should be firing every single turn. Build a large rig while running at the same time. Use Boomerangs and Inside Jobs as early threats while you make more money off of your discounted events and flood the table with your hardware, then go for a dive with Khusyuk (don't give the corp incentive to place too much ice on R&D before you're ready to go deep). If you think that your opponent is flooded, Sneak in.

Q-Loop is a heavy lifter here, this tiny chip will keep you a step ahead while fetching your throwing sticks for you. Poemu helps even though he doesn't like connections, you will be installing every turn. Baklan is there both to lend more power to your 2 cost Khusyuk army, as well as a surprisingly useful one-of if drawn early enough - the corp will think twice about rezzing that next big piece of ice. Buffer drive is a tech choice if you run into a pesky PE, or in case an important icebreaker got sniped, otherwise don't bother with it too much.