Dragon Lady Val

pj20 1593

I'm mainly publishing this so I can get my ABR Anarch claim, but it's a really fun deck that uses a lot of the new cards that I was trying out.

Paige Piper was seen as an odd choice, but it really shines in Val, and the Keiko/companion/virtual interaction with Gachapon & the breaker suite worked really well.

The only changes I'd make would be -2 Masanori & +2 RNG key since MU wasn't an issue.

Khusyuk as a 1-of is not ideal but it's my favorite Shaper card and you're pretty much guaranteed full value.

4 Mar 2020 @Bookkeeper

What's the Paige Piper timing on Gachapon install? Do you shuffle back the 3 cards to a thinner stack, having added the surplus copies of the installed cards to the heap?