Drago prison showing up again (eclipse)

aksu 790

The deck I would have played in the eclipse tournament. wowarlok brought a bit older version that had did not have tech startup yet and still went 3-0.

I definitely think this list is on par with toxicity with the other lists from the tournament. Bit shame that the Hayley list we cooked did not perform as well :(

I think people remember the R+ prison list from the 2022 season. Where the whole point is to spam drago and just tax the runners out permanently. This is the exactly where I instantly thought to go when I saw drago was on the restricted list.

on couple of card slots:

  • Restructured Datapool: is basically the only 2nd option for a playable 5/3 agenda. Other options would have been stuff like the boomer SaM. No thank you :D. During the playtest games I never actually scored it but. wowa managed to in one of the streamed games and it kinda did put work in. Taxing the runner for 8 every turn is kinda hype. But realistically you would instantly not play this if you had anything with a on steal effect.

  • Tech startup: your dragos 4-5 basically. Games where you win you often get to put drago in the remote with a quickness so you just want to pile in as much stuff as you can that gets it. 3rd one would definitely be the the 45th card but just did not manage to find the cut.

  • Archived memories: legit the goat. just recur dragos or recur tag punishment if your opponent gets into that point. Was definitely banned first.

  • tag punishment: LAMAO closed accounts drago is such bs :D still managed to fit just 1 in there sadly. Just because all the extra copies you kinda just wish would be market forces. We are not R+ so money actually starts to be a issue. As a metafora in general the idea is that 1x closed accounts trips them down and then hammering market forces and self growths and the all seeing eye keeps them down.

  • big conversing point for the deck with other peoples ideas was playing the Scorch in there instead of dedication ceremony. Witch would mean you get tagme easier but I think you rather end the game with the kill rather than hope your opponent can't get enough accesses to steal Datapools. If you had bellona I think the 2nd option is way more realistic.

  • Ice: you just play all the best in slots available. No cleaver so EULA actually is taxing. And Enigma just has a ETR so you play it basically :D. One ice that you would probably like is starlit knight but just don't have slots for it.

generally gameplan is just to try to have at least 1 dataraven on the remote. (preferably a 2nd ice as well) And then you keep spamming drago in there and get the opponents to go tagged and then hammer all the toxic tag punishment you have in there. Pretty simple and toxic.

Metagame was not kinda helpful for this deck. I think most people prepped with NFLs. That means you need to play longer but often you can out tag them. Geist might be problematic tho.

3 Dec 2024 wowarlok

Huge shoutout to Restructured Datapool!
I scored it in two of my three games and it spectacularly crashed the runner's economy both times