Aggressive Haas Bioroid

Mancini 62

This is my first custom deck I've ever built. I'm only playing with family using the core set. I tried to make it a bit spiky with the tagging. I honestly am not sure if this is good or not, reviews are welcome.

17 May 2021 thrazznos

Rock on trying deckbuilding!

Closed Accounts can be a great include in Haas Bioroid, and probably just as effective as scorched earth for closing out the game, cause they are likely to get bricked hard enough from it alone that you can score out and win.

Corporate Troubleshooter is a pretty amazing card, but since you have to basically use it the turn the runner runs that server the first time, you want good targets that will certainly ruin the runner, like rototurret or archer, not ichi and heimdall.

Unfortunatley for code gates in the core set, Yog.0 exists and when your opponent starts using it, you have 5 bricked ice now. Still, engima is great for early game, bu I would recommend swapping the viktors for something tougher, like Tollbooth.

Finally, not sure how you intend to use Biotic Labor, its great for fast advancing ABT, but you could probably afford to drop a copy or two for more economy or ice.

Good luck against your friend!

17 May 2021 Mancini

@thrazznos Thank you for the tip! What do you think I should remove to make room for tougher code gates? Should I remove a Scorched Earth?

17 May 2021 Mancini

@thrazznos Also I figured experiential data could be enough to guard against the Glowing Key of Doom, but I'm not sure. Is it even considered a good upgrade?

17 May 2021 thrazznos

Ah yeah, people generally dont like Experiental data, because it doesn't often result in a lock out and then the runner just trashes it when they get in anyway. I would recommend dropping scorches and viktor, then putting in some tollbooths and more economy. I just realized you only have 47 cards, so you should definitely add 2 more to reduce your agenda density. That leaves you quite a few slots, so here are some decent includes I think:

Aggressive Secretary, Snare, Melange Mining Corp, Beanstalk Royalties, Closed Accounts, or you could leave 1 Scorched Earth in to punish if the runner floats tags, because you can do the classic Scorch -> Archived Memories -> Scorch.