The Iliad v2.0


I originally built Ari in Startup, because my local group has new players who are still getting used to the card pool and we're mostly playing startup with them. Then, I realized that Ari without Simulchip is a bad time and I wasn't having any fun or winning any games. A few more mental gymnastics (and letting go of my emotional attachment to Environmental Testing) later, we come upon this. Which I haven't had the chance to test yet, but I feel like it looks good. I suspect I shouldn't keep both Ika and Living Mural, but I dunno, I like having them around. We'll see how it feels. I'm sure it's more of a meme than anything that'll do well against real opponents but I think it seems like it'll be fun. And that's the real victory.

20 Sep 2023 m.p

triple flux seems kinda overkill when it´s unique, as is double picachao i think - maybe removing these copies would allow envirotesting, mainly since without it the only target for flux is nuka... *maybe -3 diesel +3 deep dive? *maybe -1 saci +1 pinhole to tech against skunkworks/-1 saci -1 hush +1 clot? sorry for copying my own (pretty bad) deck here-

20 Sep 2023 SHIEL

not gonna lie I forgot flux was unique, good catch on that. My problem with envirotesting is that I want it to be Technical Writer and it just isn't, the 3cr install cost always feels so rough that it makes me want to inf in Career Fair. Nuka's a great flux target IMO but it can add to the Twinning too if you need it to. Thanks for the thoughts~