Semi-Rogue Sync: Keegan with a Chance of Meatballs

slobad31 584

When I saw Keegan Lane's artwork and noticed Global Food Initiative in the same set, I immediately thought of the South Park where Cartman was running the KFC mafia and eating most of the product. Then, I considered the synergy between Keegan and Data Raven, allowing immediate program trashing if they continue the run. With Will-o-the-Wisp included, as well, the idea is to keep removing their breakers, either stalling them long enough to score out, or completely shutting down their chances of getting into a server.

Bandwidth was of a similar thought process, as it also makes Keegan live, and since the tag may have been removed at the end of the run anyway, may as well make use of it. I also really like Global Food Initiative, as it meets the agenda density without necessarily being 3-pointers. Architect and Interns are to recur Keegan and Will-o-the-Wisp, as well as Caprice, since she's also in the mix.

My biggest uncertainty is the ICE spread, as I'd like to balance keeping them out and being able to trigger Keegan. I'd love to hear suggestions in that regard! I'm not typically an NBN player, so this is uncharted territory :)

I'd welcome any thoughts and opinions, as this is my first musings regarding SYNC. Its taxing ability seems like it will really take a toll on the runner, especially if they're scrambling to reinstall key breakers. And if they do float tags, the flipside makes sure their resources aren't sticking around for long.