Threat of the Hunger

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gumonshoe 2987

  • Crypto: 0
  • As received by: Transceiver SSL04 at SSL
  • Language Path: English: SSL bytecode, BioroidLP, Psyonic Quantum Flow
  • From: Net Administrator Sunny at SSL Remote Op 1
  • Subject: Complaints about Connectivity Indicate Secret NBN Agenda?
  • Summary: Lag is increasing, recommend more power and greater link, a business opportunity
  • Key Phrases: Lunar Lag, Martian Lag, Cult of Source Code, Hunger, ThoseWhoPreferJimmiesOnTheirDoughnuts, NBN Information Hegemony

Distribution: - Corporations Operating Beyond Earth Group - SSL04 at SSL - White Hats - The Outer Orbit Purple Tiger Group

Friends, the lag to outer orbit continues to propagate and spread. Common carrier, NBN has assured us this is a temporary problem; but we all know that where credits are concerned one hundred percent up time is non-negotiable. We know that hard work done in the outer ring is subject to delays, but we here at SSL believe in secure, strong link.

I have reported, as you know, a steady degradation in connection to the lunar colony. NBN says that this is minor and that you should not be concerned; but NBN has a direct line into your brain. Would they tell you anything you did not want to hear? Of course not! But, SSL is committed to providing a secure link. NBN has lost node after node after node this year. They say they are working on upgrading their routes, but do you believe it? How can you believe a monopoly that can read your mind?

Worse, any lag to the lunar colony is multiplicatively worse to the outer orbit and NBN can't keep its commitments to local customers. We believe there is another customer at large here. It is known to some colloquially on the net as "The Hunger." We think this name is absurd, comical and a meme by reference to fictitious monsters which commonly crop up in human lore. All attempts to verify the presence of this "hunger" through Bioroid or Psy nets have failed to draw a conclusion, and yet we know that NBN's available bandwidth has slowly degraded. There are two options: the first is that as NBN says they are experiencing natural wear and tear on their system; but consider this! Would a corporation as large and vast as NBN not plan for the expected rise in net traffic? Consider then the other option, that NBN is selling large amounts of bandwidth to another customer at the cost of your up time and lying to you about it.

We here at SSL do not have the evidence to say which story is true; but we believe you, our valued customers will see to the heart of the matter eventually. We cannot make business decisions without your input as we consider an expansion of the secure network we maintain. A network which is free of snoopware, raven-software, or pesky click-bait kitten ads. Therefor we at SSL inquire to you what your needs are as investments in the outer orbit are expensive. We could fill your need eventually if we have some commitment from our customers that this is what is really wanted.

We are waiting to hear from you.


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