Build Too Fast

underflow 14

The idea is pretty simple - Built to Last makes scoring agendas cost an almost negligible amount of tempo, so this list runs a very standard rush strategy. It's gone through lots of iterations; at one point, it packed a single Oppo Research, a Retribution, and a Pivot. The ICE suite's also changed a lot.

Card thoughts:

  • Zato City Grid is incredible against runners who actually interact with ICE using breakers. Owl is good at sniping both expensive breakers (Orca and such) and putting cheap breakers out of reach of simulchip (fetching echelon with SMC through simulchip costs a whopping 5c more than fetching echelon directly from the pitch).
  • This list started with 3x Oaktown Renovation, but they made it too hard to close games through FA (finding a 3/2 became too hard and it was possible to lose or score both 3/2s). They generate an obscene amount of revenue, but will never make you richer than the runner.
  • Red Level Clearance is essential for closing games where you're holding an audacity and looking for a 3/2 agenda. I wouldn't cut any.
  • Sprint solves both agenda flood and drought, but could probably lose 1 copy. It's got a marked advantage over Spin Doctor in letting you solve drought with low hand size, but is worse in anarch matchups where you need to recur Audacity.
  • Mavirus is there mainly for handling Audrey and Physarum Entangler (especially when you're scoring an SDS Drone Deployment against a crim with only Physarum Entangler installed).
  • Envelopment is for hating Bankhar and scoring once against runners with a fair fracter installed but few credits.
  • The high density of draw and shuffle-back-in let you run conditional cards more freely - you're more likely to see them, and can shake them when you don't want them.
  • The 3 Spin Doctors are probably excessive, but anarch operation trashing and sabotage are common enough to want a way to get back ZATO / Audacity.
  • There's 1 open deck slot in this iteration, no idea what it should be.

Crim is hard because Inside Job and Diversion of Funds incentivize 3 ICE before you start scoring, which is expensive and slow for this list. Centrals-only Crim (e.g., Mercury multi-access with hermes, no breakers, and no desire to run your remote) is especially miserable.

Anarch is a little hard if multiple Arruaceiras Crew hit the board, or if they see multiple Botulus early.

Shaper is pretty easy - you can often get to 3-4 points before they're interested in running, and ZATO/Owl/Ballista interact well with Shaper tools.

In short, this is probably strictly worse than breaker trashing out of Ob Superheavy Logistics, but it is quite fun. The ID is at its most fun scoring Oaktown Renovation and advancing Mestnichestvo (this list had 1-2 for icing centrals for a while before I became too sad paying 2 inf to lose it to Arruaceiras Crew).