Heart of Gold

daytodave 1224

Something I'm tinkering with. With Magnum Opus out, Hyperdriver becomes a near-instant Daily Casts; with Professional Contacts out it's even better: a net 3 cards and 2 credits for a single click, in addition to being useful against Caprice, Bioroids, etc.

This is a fast to set up big rig deck. I'll pop the first Hyperdriver as soon as I have either ProCo on the table, or 10+ credits, then set up most of my board in a single turn. An important thing to remember is that accelerating the clicks it takes to draw ProCo/Opus is just as powerful as getting extra clicks once you have them. I'll try to save 1 Hyperdriver for a big vamp turn in the mid game, especially if traps are afoot.

I realized I needed Levy in case of catastrophic Leprechaun trashing, and Same Old Thing to protect the Levy from PE. Rather than cut 2 cards like an adult, I decided to embrace 42 as the answer.

24 Jul 2015 Beta-Max

This looks like it runs REALLY tight on the MU unless you get those Leprechauns almost immediately. I know the Hyperdriver aren't sticking around for long, but they still need to hit the board. Do you think you might want some padding for that?

24 Jul 2015 daytodave

I've actually never once encountered a memory problem, though I've only tested it a couple of nights on octgn so far.

Remember that, if possible, I'm installing at first Hyperdriver before I have any programs, and after the first Hyperdriver + ProCo turn I've almost always found either SMC or Leps. Also, I install Magnum Opus directly in the rig, never on Leprechaun, to increase resilience against program trashing.

Once the first Leprechaun comes out, all memory problems are just money problems, since you can use Lep 1 as a platform to SMC out Lep 2. And for this deck, money problems are no problem.

24 Jul 2015 neoshika

Do you feel that lucky find is worth the influence? Without prepaid it is only slightly more efficient than just hitting mopus. I suppose it helps for the sad games where you don't draw a mopus.

24 Jul 2015 sruman

There seems to be anti-synergy between Professional Contacts and Magnum Opus. Have you considered swapping out pro-co for 3 Earthrise Hotel. 2 magnum clicks for 6 click-free draws is solid return on clicks.