
Tacomental 57

This deck lets the corp get some early points in favor of setting up a lock in the mid game that should prevent the corp from scoring. Ideally you want to get them to 0 cards in hand. Follow this up by running r&d every turn to get a nice lock in place.

Early game:

Get your resources online. Data folding, Multiple same old things, Raymond Flint and as many same old things as you can. Try for 2 hq interfaces as well. Use Blackmail to prevent agenda scoring and if possible use lemuria code cracker to not totally waste the black mails.

Mid Game:

Lock down hand size with protesters. Ideally you would like a 0 size hand. Use Crypsis to bash HQ and imp to delete the cards you don't want them to have. Scorch, Midseasons, ToL etc.

If you can't get in with a run use frame job to eat an agenda or pop a journalism to use Raymond's ability to remotely access 2-3 cards, aka their whole hand.

Utopia shard is there for disruption on the corp's turn.. If they have a hand size zero card and they draw 2 cards after their mandatory draw pop it and try to hit an agenda or combo piece.

Late game:

Start to sac Raymond for expose when needed. Don't be afraid to levy then pop tallie for 5 cards just to get 10 fresh cards trying to land a black mail. You have tons of card draw so you can get what you need when you need it.