Negative Grinder

Diogene 4186

Eleven Negative Agenda Points. Ultra recursion. Everything is an ambush.

3 game plan :

  1. Kill the runner.
  2. Score through shell games.
  3. Make it impossible to steal an agenda.

How to kill the runner.

  1. Psychic Field + Neural EMP. Note that you can push the runner to trigger Psychic Field with Hangeki.

  2. Runner has less cards than you have Neural EMP, use them to flatline the runner.

  3. Fearless runner run Snare! (or use multiaccess to run more than one).

  4. Give negatives agendas points (Hangeki, Shi.Kyu, News Team, Meridian) along with some stolen agendas from the runner. Then score Philotic Entanglement for 4+ net damages.

  5. Score an agenda (usually a Sting!) to kill the runner, if the runner has only one card.

Score through shell games : 11 assets = 11 ambushes. Make those traps come back with your recursion tools (6 of them : Genotyping and Preemptive Action).

Make it impossible for the runner to score by bringing trap back, so that the runner will have no more card to pay the for stealing an agenda.

Everything in this deck hurt. You can make cards come back through 6 cards, make the deck virtual size of 58. This will maintain the dilution, making econ card and traps come back and protecting you from trashing ability. Also, with 1 negatives agendas possible, you can delay the runner a lot in their scoring plan. Allowing to get them with your traps.

Mwanza has extreme value here. Making the runner more likely to be ambushed and giving you a lot of creds.

To protect you from Stargate you have Hokusai Grid. Stargate is the bane of this deck. There is not much defenses possible against it. Warroid was taken out because it cannot self protect itself, if trashed while installed on R&D. I got the ruling from Nisei. Meaning is cost nothing for the runner to just run R&D, trash Warroid Tracker (and nothing else) and then using Stargate on R&D. Hokusai Grid will at least grind the runner.

The All-Seeing I is your tag punishment. So that you may hurt the runner for floating tags.

Everything is a trap. This deck can result in Negative Player Experience (NPE), so it is nice to lighten the mood with some banter while playing.

Shoutout to Limes, who won World. The inspiration for including Meridian comes from his deck.

This is my take on the same archetype, but with Jinteki instead of HB.